Don't start with an authority site... Oops!


New member
Oct 28, 2011
It is a bad idea to start with an authority site. It is difficult to produce a website that commands authority with little or no experience making a website. Oops!

In 2009 recently graduated and unemployed I started making a website. Added flames to the sides to make it look cool. Hell yeah I am serious my first website is like a bicycle and should have some flames. The website had no traffic because there was no promotion, no content and looked like a 5 year old's bike, which is fine I was just experimenting and having fun.

Later I Started to produce content for the site and was about to an online article system through SQL and PHP when I learned that CMS exist. I went with Joomla.

Right after Joomla is installed and working I get hired. Website goes on hold.

Weeks after I Upgraded to a new job that pays more and requires no work. Not working gets boring so I start back on the website while keeping the job.

Now we are at 2010 I have a steady job, requires no work leaving me free time to work on my website. I really crackdown writing unique content the best quality I can. Also I design many unique and creative features that will let me stand out once completed. On and on and on and on I work adding features and writing content.

Now, I have a website that works (held together by duck tape) and am finally ready to become an authority.

Yes, one person can't hold down an authority site even in eSports.

What the fuck is eSports? Well if you play computer/console games and want money you go into eSports. Bullshit? Not at all see DotA 2 'The International' with 1,600,000 USD prize pool.

So now that I have this site and am ready to become an authority how do I do it?

Well I know how to produce content, how to get my website working better, how to develop unique features.

What I don't know is how I can make any money from them. This is Ironic because I wrote an article on how profitable eSports advertising is.

Graphics cards, monitors, headsets, PC, MAC...

The websites audience is people with the above in the hardest to reach demographic of male 18-35.

What I am looking for with this post is advice, I have just stopped doing 100% of the work myself this month and am finally paying for content and for people to help me code new features faster. Starting 2012 my website will have close to one article a day, while keeping my sites main features updated. Will hire out small projects as well (such as

So once 2012 rolls around I will have a stock pile of spare articles for when a writer misses a deadline but will still be updating 90% and be held together by more than duck tape.

In 2012 traffic will rise from the 50-200 new users a day it has now to thousands and soon after tens of thousands in 2012.

How should I handle this? Many on here are experts at this and I seek advice, who do I promote what do I sell.

In one simple sentence:
How the fuck do I make money with this site?

In 2012 traffic will rise from the 50-200 new users a day it has now to thousands and soon after tens of thousands in 2012.

Hrmmmm sounds like you're getting ahead of yourself.

That said....
Affiliate products

that will get you started.
Hrmmmm sounds like you're getting ahead of yourself.
I would agree but earlier this year in the summer a website was launched on the same topic and just had copy and paste information with 100 words unique content and had just reached 100,000 viewers a month when they stopped. Today even with only 1-2 copy paste articles a month they have about 5,000 uv a month.

My website will have 500+ word articles with unique content every day.

Affiliate products
I already have Adsense but looking for more specific help. Such as what product should I support graphics cards? Monitors? Write reviews for the products and sell them? Sell reviews? Show benchmarks of graphic cards and sell ad space?

What is most profitable? What adds to the site without taking away quality that can make it profitable?
WOOhh, just slow the fuck down. You only have 50 - 200 unique visitors a day. There is no harm in testing options yourself. Before ads why not link build and try and get more visitors. Or just throw up adsense on it and just see how much money you make with 50 - 200 visitors. That will give you an idea of what's next or most important going forward. If you make zero in a couple weeks then oops, you are trying something else.
My website is PR2 and I just bought stuff from this forum that will make it PR3.

My site does have adsense but the majority of my users are internet savvy and have adblock.

WOOhh, just slow the fuck down.

I have been working on this site since 2009. It's time to speed up! Spent all this time making a single unique feature through hard work and research. A few articles of content to bring in organic users my site will become very popular. It is guaranteed to make some money the earlier mentioned website with cut and paste articles sold adspace for 75$ monthly for 300x300 box.

What I need is revenue without ad boxes, so in linking would work, featured articles. Just looking for a bit of guidance on unique forms of advertising.
You need to find a caster, and upload the match videos, have a 15-30 second ad before each video. There are people who just stream themselves playing games and make upwards to a $1000/day because they have thousands of viewers and can play ads during downtime between games.

Design the CMS where people can upload guides or strategy, easy and free user generated content. Let them upload videos, entice them with a percentage of the ad money their video makes.

What type of esports are you targeting? There are already very solid authority sites out there like TeamLiquid that you will be competing against.
You need to find a caster, and upload the match videos, have a 15-30 second ad before each video. There are people who just stream themselves playing games and make upwards to a $1000/day because they have thousands of viewers and can play ads during downtime between games.

Absolutely true, a player called TLO raised $2,400 in a 24 hour live stream for charity. Although as you said a lot of comitition for this mainly Twitch.TV and Youtube has added live streaming (MLG was streamed live on youtube) as well as owned 3d.

Definitely something I can add though.

What type of esports are you targeting?

Team Liquid is incredible there is no possible way to cover StarCraft 2 better. That being said who covers other eSports as well as Team Liquid does SC2?

Also by covering all eSports you can give more information as a whole. So what eSports? The most popular :)
Most of the successful esports/gaming news websites I can think of cover multiple games but each site focuses primarily on a single game. teamliquid/sc, mmochampion/wow, solomid/lol, gotfrag/tf2 and cs, etc. Might want to force yourself in that way. I still think your best bet is to find a likable caster and hire him, maybe even sponsor a team if you're willing to invest in this. You're going to need personality to be an authority site.
You're going to need personality to be an authority site.
Ever hear of CombatEX? Probably the worst, the site has sponsored 3 SC2 LAN events in Toronto and at #2 someone from a well known SC2 team took a swing at CombatEX. Due to the small space he was tackled by 4 people before he could hit him sadly :)

My site compares games and ranks eSports. My site is about covering the largest tournaments across any game. So what eSport is best SC? LoL? TF2? CS? Find out at my site :p
I could completely wrong and leading you astray, maybe there is a market for it, but I don't think most gamers want comparisons or multi-game rankings. Most gamers who take the time to actually watch esports are only interested in one or two games, or even have the time for one or two games. Just something to think about.
I agree entirely, as a professional gamer you don't have time to learn every game. As a fan you can only watch one or two streams.

What game do find most interesting LoL, HoN or DotA? They all seem the same, but HoN is dieing, players are leaving, no large tournaments starting. I even emailed them and asked they cannot provide information for a single event planned for next year.

LoL is growing rapidly and is creating an awesome fanbase. It is simple and great for new gamers.

DotA is for hardcore fans and has a huge following may even become larger than StarCraft 2. Definitely a must watch for the avid gamer.

There you have it three games of the same genre, what one are you likely to watch or to play competitively? Pro gamers want recognition and money to do that they need to play StarCraft 2, not Sim City or Blood Line Champions. My website provides them this information why waste your time on an unpopular game?

I don't think its easy but definitely has potential. Also there will be lots of guides on PC / Console tournaments, hosting tournaments, sponsoring, attending ect.

The forums will be a flame war :)

Also it was on the news recently but the average teenager spends more time playing games than watching TV. They have lots of time.