Don't like kids running around? This restaurant just banned them.

It's the parents who are to blame. Me and some friends go to the same restaurant for breakfast every Saturday and there's always a group of irresponsible parents who let their kids run around the entire restaurant. It pisses the servers off but they don't say anything to the parents, it bugs the shit out of me.
You can blame all this on the doctors and shrinks telling people that they sould not spank their kids. There is a difference between spanking and beating in case they did not know. It all started going downhill with free love back in the 60's. Well thanks to that I am here but my grandmother (who basically raised me) never had a problem whacking me when I needed it. Those kids have never learned the meaning of NO!

I have some grandkids that all their father has to do now is lower his voice and they stop. They are not afraid but they know there are consequences for not listening.

Good for that restaurant, way to show that you area private business and you also have rights along with the people that patronize your place.

For those that are whining about the new rule....:action-smiley-052: :nopenope:
Yeah I read about them in Yahoo. I bet someone will now open a restaurant for kids... with playground where they can run, play hide and seek..
You can blame all this on the doctors and shrinks telling people that they sould not spank their kids. There is a difference between spanking and beating in case they did not know. It all started going downhill with free love back in the 60's. Well thanks to that I am here but my grandmother (who basically raised me) never had a problem whacking me when I needed it. Those kids have never learned the meaning of NO!

I have some grandkids that all their father has to do now is lower his voice and they stop. They are not afraid but they know there are consequences for not listening.

You might enjoy this article:

How to Land Your Kid in Therapy - Magazine - The Atlantic

I bet someone will now open a restaurant for kids... with playground where they can run, play hide and seek..

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There should be mandatory parenting classes in High School. Then again the liberals took the ability to paddle unruly kids away from school principals.

Too many parents want to be their kid's buddy instead of a solid parent figure. But guess what? If done right you can be both. :)
There should be mandatory parenting classes in High School.

No. The last thing we need is more involvement by the state, especially in the indoctrinating/brainwashing system we call public "education."

Have you folks seen what's happening with this...

Harvard Researchers Want Fat Kids Taken from Their Homes - Politics - The Atlantic Wire

As the Western world gets fatter and fatter, the solutions to slimming it down get ever more draconian. In Britain yesterday, the government issued guidelines saying "children under the age of 5, including babies who can’t walk yet, should exercise every day."

"Guidelines" turn into laws. This is how it works.

Today, in the States, a pair of Harvard scholars writing in the Journal of the American Medical Association advocate stripping away the custody rights of parents of super obese children.

You may be thinking, "Psstt! Harvard scholars... who cares?" If that's what you're thinking, your eye's off the ball. This is how laws begin. The state calls upon medical experts to validate the benefits of passing new laws that restrict people. Ron Paul tells a similar story about marijuana legislation in his book, "The Revolution."

Back on topic: I called McDain's (from the WSJ piece) earlier just to tell 'em "Nicely done. If I were in PA, I'd always go to your restaurant." lol
There should be mandatory parenting classes in High School. Then again the liberals took the ability to paddle unruly kids away from school principals.

If one of my teachers ever touched me (and it wasn't one of my hot ones), there would be some seous white people problems occurring.

There should be mandatory parenting classes in High School. Then again the liberals took the ability to paddle unruly kids away from school principals.

Too many parents want to be their kid's buddy instead of a solid parent figure. But guess what? If done right you can be both. :)

No, there really shouldn't.

"Professionals" have even less clue than most parents.

Over in the UK, we have health visitors who come and give you the government sponsored advice on how to raise your baby. We got rid of ours asap.

The stuff they tell you is ridiculous, and you end up with a kid that doesn't know how to look after itself or eat properly. Stupid shit like the WHO advice not to give solids before 6 months, which is only relevant for countries with no clean water supply.
Here's probably a good example of why kids can't behave themselves. Just seen this on my FB page:

So not a fan of the mean swimming instructor who fails little 8 year olds! My goodness it took alot to put a smile back on my Kassie's face!
Getting the smile back on her kids' face probably involved some McDonalds, a new toy, some ice cream, renting her favorite movie, etc. Fuck me...