Dont know wtf I'm doing wrong with amazon!!


New member
Jan 29, 2014
Monterey, Ca
:eek:fftopic:Ok so I get the affiliate link from the "link to this page" and I goo to and shorten that bitch ass link and when I get clicks it show on my account but not on my orders summary the clicks don't come up but when I check the link with the link checker it says "Success: The link tags to a valid tag or sub-tag for your Associate ID" so wtf is up with this does that mean I shouldn't cloak my links?:boid::mad::boid::boid:

If you're going to cloak the links then get a redirect from one of your own domains. You can easily create redirects via your domain manager, even assigning a subdomain to each link. That should not be so hard to do and will be a better technique to use as you will always control the destination of those links. So for instance, if you are posting images on Pinterest, then you can make your 'redirect' a direct link (with no affiliate link) when first posting and then later go back and add your affiliate link to the redirect so that you get credit for any sales resulting from clicks on that link. The reason you want to work things this way is how many times links are moderated on social network sites when they are first put up, but then later when the heat is off, you can easily get in there and redirect to the site of your choice, without ever editing the original post. This idea works too on sites like Youtube.