Dont fuck with police dogs...

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I was hit by a US Navy Security Force dog once when I was still in the reserves as a Master-at-Arms. I didn't have on the whole suit, just the arm protector. When that fucker hit me it honestly felt like 100 lbs of fur and teeth had been shot out of a cannon at me. I wasn't in the K-9 unit but sometimes we'd run practice exercises with them and so we'd get to be the "bad guys."

What's really amazing about those dogs is how much they fucking enjoy it. It's really all a game to them since it's all they know. They are so focused on doing their job that there's really no way to get away without leaving at least most of your arm and/or an ass cheek or two.
I used to live in this shit apartment on the bad side of town. One morning I woke up to the sound of the bullhorn. The cops were yelling at some dumbass that just robbed a convenience store at gun point. He was a huge black guy. They shot the dog cannon at him, and the dog lunged and grabbed his arm. The guy screamed like a woman and then poked the dogs fucking eyes out and was punching it in the head. The dog didn't even yelp, just bit down harder and started the twisting tearing motion.

By the time it was finished the dog had 2 missing eyes, and a broken skull but the perp's entire arm was shattered and the dog chewed off and ate 3 of his fingers. Now everyone in town knows the gimp armed bastard with 2 fingers that is deathly afraid of dogs big or small.
By the time it was finished the dog had 2 missing eyes, and a broken skull but the perp's entire arm was shattered and the dog chewed off and ate 3 of his fingers. Now everyone in town knows the gimp armed bastard with 2 fingers that is deathly afraid of dogs big or small.

These dogs are amazing, but because of the possibility of this they should unleash at least 5 dogs per criminal.
Volunteering for this sounds strange :p

I was hit by a US Navy Security Force dog once when I was still in the reserves as a Master-at-Arms. I didn't have on the whole suit, just the arm protector. When that fucker hit me it honestly felt like 100 lbs of fur and teeth had been shot out of a cannon at me. I wasn't in the K-9 unit but sometimes we'd run practice exercises with them and so we'd get to be the "bad guys."

What's really amazing about those dogs is how much they fucking enjoy it. It's really all a game to them since it's all they know. They are so focused on doing their job that there's really no way to get away without leaving at least most of your arm and/or an ass cheek or two.
On two different occasions I've been woken up in Vancouver at about 5 in the morning by the screams of some dude out in front of my apartment who had just broken into an office nearby and who then had a police dog attached to his leg. Funny thing is that while both incidences were weeks apart, it was the same dude being chewed on both times.
I had a friend that was a state police officer and he had a dog. the dog lived with him. My kids were best friends with his kids and the dog was so well trained. got along great with the kids. They even had a cat that hung out with him. But my friend said it was one badass K9 when on the job
I used to live in this shit apartment on the bad side of town. One morning I woke up to the sound of the bullhorn. The cops were yelling at some dumbass that just robbed a convenience store at gun point. He was a huge black guy. They shot the dog cannon at him, and the dog lunged and grabbed his arm. The guy screamed like a woman and then poked the dogs fucking eyes out and was punching it in the head. The dog didn't even yelp, just bit down harder and started the twisting tearing motion.

By the time it was finished the dog had 2 missing eyes, and a broken skull but the perp's entire arm was shattered and the dog chewed off and ate 3 of his fingers. Now everyone in town knows the gimp armed bastard with 2 fingers that is deathly afraid of dogs big or small.
Is it me or does this story sound completely fucking made up?

From the starting it off in some generic "shit apartment on the bad side of town" to the dog with both eyes poked "out" and a "broken skull" chewing off a man's arm and eating (not bit off... eating) 3 fingers off the other.

Polishing off the story with the legend everyone knows of the man with 1 arm and 2 fingers...

Riiiight..... ;)
Maybe this is why so many police go around killing pets after getting the wrong adress on search warrants and shit. They probably just don't know that most house pets aren't violent.
What you didn't see in the video was the K-9 officer showing the dog a picture of Michael Vick, then pointing to the suspect and saying "blitz!"
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