Donald Trump gets into the affiliate marketing space?


I guess he wanted his own after the success of that ACN thing he backed.
This new one kind of reminds me of Usana
Read his bio, he is a good deal maker, but had a running start from his dad. I sat down and watched an apprentice episode, not impressed. His dealing with Kiyosaki and that bunch is a further turnoff.
tho i look at billionaires as people I aspire to be like, trump for some reason never really struck a chord with me. whatever not gonna hate, he's stacking cash
I read an interview with him a few years ago and he said that if he go bankrupt and need to start all over again he will go MLM.... maybe he is in trouble?
There have been rumors of him being in trouble for decades.

Of course if the fit was going to hit the shan it would be now. Especially for Real Estate heavy people.
Do a search, I outed this shit last year. My buddy bought a bunch of domains, i built a couple out, we were two and three levels from the top. Even that close, I could smell the bullshit and bailed. GL to those that stay in it. I might have access to some of those domains still if anyone takes a run at this shit.
I like Donald Trump. He knows branding and can pull of a bad hair cut.

Plus his politics.
[ame=""]YouTube - Trump on Obama, China, OPEC and more[/ame]