Domainer got the .com and wont sell, what to do?!

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New member
Jul 22, 2006
So I've been working on a project for a while and am gonna announce it soon but a domainer got the .com I want and he refuses to sell it. He just has a crappy parking page or whatever it is on there. Something that looks to make no money and it probably dont even get traffic either.
That domain is just the perfect one I need, I got .net and .org etc already.

WTF should I do?! I just cant come up with another name. Shall I go with .net or is that too stupid for a long term project?

I'm so pissed! :mad:

Fuck that guy! Buy and build up the .net or .org (I'm a big .org fan personally). It's really just a bonus to have the dot com nowadays, not a necessity, particularly for a well branded site.
The only bad aspect of going with .net is that the domainer is going to make money from his .com if your site becomes more successful.
why didnt you register the name when you started the project? if he doesnt want to sell theres nothing else you can do..except a) offer money money, b) offer him some kind of partnership deal. i would never go the b) route but I've heard of people doing such things.
1. Buy domain
2. Start project

Umm, if you are going for SERPS, then .net and org is fine. But if you are going for a brandable name people will type in, fucked. They will hit the .com first.
why didnt you register the name when you started the project? if he doesnt want to sell theres nothing else you can do..except a) offer money money, b) offer him some kind of partnership deal. i would never go the b) route but I've heard of people doing such things.

It's an old domain from some old other company that this domainer probably dropcatched and now just has some crap page on.
If he won't sell then there's not a hell of a lot you can do about it.

Find out where he lives, take his children hostage until he provides proof of the transfer..
How much did you offer him for it?

I suspect it was nowhere near enough to have been a serious offer.
How much did you offer him for it?

I suspect it was nowhere near enough to have been a serious offer.

Agreed if it is anything even catchy, or easy to remember he will expect a good amount from what they like to call an "end-user". plus did you tell him you own the .org and .net? If you did, you lost a huge amount of bargaining stance.
But if your developing something cool people will remember it regardless. I mean look at absolutely worthless domain when they bought it right? Create value on the .net and redirect the .org, or just get another name that has .com, the product will make the name. I know sometimes it sucks especially if you've already paid a designer for a logo and other kind of stuff but be happy you haven't released and can still change it.

Good Luck!
If he is a domainer than he will sell, thats the point of being a domainer! You just havent offered him enough for it.
My opinion as I have stated before, being a domainer & marketer, is that .com is king. We are conditioned to type in .com, not the other extensions. I do not see this changing anytime in the near future.

My suggestion - If he will not sell, get a new name. There are plenty of names in the aftermarket for sale.

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