Hey guys,
I was wondering how much you think this domain (+site) could go for: MesotheliomaAttorney.ca
I have had this domain for a while with almost no SEO and was suprised today to notice that it ranks 1st on Google.ca.
it ranks 1st on Google.ca for the keyword "Mesothelioma Attorney"
ranks 8th on Google.com for the keyword "Mesothelioma Attorney Canada"
I know that this is a big niche knowing that the ppc can be up to 50$ per click, but since this one is a dot CA I was wondering if it was still worth some good bucks.
I was wondering how much you think this domain (+site) could go for: MesotheliomaAttorney.ca
I have had this domain for a while with almost no SEO and was suprised today to notice that it ranks 1st on Google.ca.
it ranks 1st on Google.ca for the keyword "Mesothelioma Attorney"
ranks 8th on Google.com for the keyword "Mesothelioma Attorney Canada"
I know that this is a big niche knowing that the ppc can be up to 50$ per click, but since this one is a dot CA I was wondering if it was still worth some good bucks.