Domain Tasting And Parking

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Jan 7, 2008
Ok so you want to buy a domain and park it but you have no idea if it will make you some cash, what you need to do is "domain taste"...

You need to register the name with one of the registrars like moniker, pool etc then you will have a few days (4) to "taste" the domain and get a refund of most of your money if you do not want to keep the domain, depending on the registrar you use you will need to check if they let "domain tasting" and how it works with that particular registrar.

So you register the domain name with the registrar then park it with a parking company then check the visitor stats for the parked page, if you are not getting the results on the parked page that you want then just delete the domain with the registrar and you will get a refund into your account minus the "tasting" fee.

If you use Moniker then ask them to change the tasting fee from $1 to $0.25 they should do this for you.

And that is how you domain taste...

Good Post! One more tip I'd like to add - You can Taste Names for Free at DynaDot. If you delete a name, you can get credits back to your account with no deduction of fees.
hendog, or LB - have either of you had any success with domain tasting?

I wrote a small app to crawl around and look for expired domains, it worked well - but it seems like every expired domain I found, it had no links, no alexa, nothing in any tool I checked. But, what I didn't check.. need to use tasting, is if it had any traffic. Also, I didn't check the contents..

Either way, just wondering if you guys have had any success, or if you've heard of any large domain tasting operations going on.

Yup, if the name is not brandable and I don't have any development plans for it, that's where tasting comes into play. However, the reason you are not finding them is because all the good names are instantly snapped by the bigger guys on the bloc.

Since you asked for a large domain tasting operation, Red Register is one of the largest. And good luck ever buying a domain for them. The fuckers don't even respond to your emails. And yes, I am ranting about them. :o
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What Lord Brar said... also remember that traffic is king, it also depends on what you are wanting to do with these domains once you have them ?
Well my plan was just to grab the domain, throw on it for 4 days and see if I can average $.05 / day, so basically 1 click per day... which would make it profitable enough to buy.

I was hoping I could snap up older domains, that expired before people were into the "expired" game, if that makes sense.
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