Domain Question


Marketing Dope
Jan 4, 2011
Hi all. My wife spit out a domain name earlier (, it was 'goldmine' if available. So I searched for availability on GoDaddy, it showed as available for $11.99yr.

I got excited, and went to but it, but it wouldn't let me proceed to cart; "No Domain Selected" window popped up. I refreshed, checked my spelling, retyped the is already taken...WTF!

So, I looked it up in real contact info (private?)

Then I went directly to looks parked, and has a "similar search results window" that appears. At the bottom it states;

"This domain may be for sale" Buy Now

I sent an offer, but was wondering, is there anything else I can do to obtain/purchase this domain?

So sad...killer keywords for my niche, and it's sitting stagnent!!! A similar domain with the same "2 keywords reversed" is for sale for $2188.00, and personally this one doesn't seem as good.

I probably wouldn't go any higher than $250 either way, and started my offer at $50. But was wondering; is there anything else I can do?