Domain needed is taken


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Sup yall I got a client that wants a website for her coffee shop but her domain is taken and parked by someone not using it.

Now my question is should I try and get this .com domain by paying to get contact info since it is hidden or I was thinking instead of trying for the caffe*****.com that is taken and get instead the caffe*****.coffee domain?

If I get the .coffee will I be able to get it ranked in the serps(local mainly)?

If the .com does become available would I just forward it to the .coffee or swap the site onto the .com and then forward the .coffee to it?

Just trying to figure out the best way to go about this.

Thanks for anyone who can chime in on this.


It never hurts to contact the domain owner. Not sure what do you mean by contact info is hidden - even if it's a private whois, the private email listed will also be forwarded to the real domain owner.

But you might as well get the caffe****.coffee domain first in my opinion - the .com owner "might" know that you are interested in the .com domain and go ahead registering all available TLDs.

Reg and use .coffee domain first, then negotiate with the .com owner.

Anyway, all TLDs can be ranked in SERP, but some theories is that .com .net .org holds more weight. But you can really see .info .co and other TLD ranking without problem.

And for a cafe business, i think .coffee is not a bad idea at all for the intended audience.

*****.coffee might be a more brandable domain than caffe*****.coffee

my 2c
Thanks ARXS that is some helpful info.

Are you saying *****.coffee is more brandable simply because it is shorter of a name? It does make sense, and in a way having caffe and coffee in the name seems a bit redundant I guess too. Good suggestion.

But the name of their business is Caffe ***** so I guess I will just see how the client wants it.
