Domain names in the form of a question

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New member
Nov 24, 2008
What do you guys think of registering domains in the form of a partial question, for example:
and then have pages like /newyork or /london so that those pages get indexed in the full address form of something like "" - (a question that gets searched a lot)

I've been thinking of making some niche sites to answer questions, obviously I have some better questions than "what time is it in ... ?"

Would this help SEO in any way? Or does it just look stupid?

A very famous site is and there are dozens of howto domains. So, it all depends on the traffic for your question. If it is a lot, go for it.
there's alot of "implied" intent in a question so it's interesting. Also, are you in the habit of letting the market tell you what works? By that I mean check out the CPC on different keywords. As an example, say you want to acquire something. You can say
"I want to BUY X" or you can say "I want to PURCHASE X" - do you know these two words have different market values - why is that? It's smart to assume it's because it's for a REASON. All things being equal, the searchers using one words are spending more/worth more than the searchers using another....

Lastly, in terms of semantics, almost any subject you can think of someone somewhere will be asking the "who, what, when, where, how, why and which" - and they will be using those exact words.

The average (college) educated american only has a vocabulary of 25,000 words; most people barely use a 10th of that to communicate. What this means is that basically people are using only a couple of hundred words to communicate with the engines - and by extension - us.

Hence it makes sense to figure out the few words or combinations of words that your "ideal target demographic" uses and work from there.

Just some thoughts - good luck
Subdomains can fool the reader a sentence end fragment might be easier to find.


Here are a couple of domains actually available: for for newyork. (why for you do that) is shown available, but is blocked.

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