Domain names... any benefit to this?

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New member
May 14, 2007
Ok, I'm trying to do a honda parts site.
I'm trying to avoid using Honda in the domain name because it's against the TOS for EPN.

So would I be better off with
www*honcivicparts*com or just

Or it doesn't make a damn bit of difference as far as SEO is concerned?
Yes, I know civic is probably also trademarked.

Thanks for any advice.

Ok, I'm trying to do a honda parts site.
I'm trying to avoid using Honda in the domain name because it's against the TOS for EPN.

So would I be better off with
www*honcivicparts*com or just

Or it doesn't make a damn bit of difference as far as SEO is concerned?
Yes, I know civic is probably also trademarked.

Thanks for any advice.

As far as SEO is concerned, keywords in a domain if you want to rank for those keywords is a plus, but i would definitely avoid the TM keywords.

Page titles, folder/file names is another matter, your choice to include those TM keywords there.
Here's the clause in question...

Advertiser Trademarks. Unless approved in writing by the Advertiser you will not adopt or use an Advertiser's company names, trademarks, trade names, brands, shop signs, domain names or URLs (specifically, any term before the third "/" of your URL) or any variations thereof as your own company name, trademark, trade names, brand, shop sign, domain name or URL.

But my question was more about SEO than it was about using trademarked names in the domain.
I don't see any way Honda fits the Network Agreement definition of Advertiser. I don't think there's anything preventing you from using a WIPO-defensible domain name like
In all honesty I never read the EPN terms, but the site I submitted with my application is a blatant infringement of a popular musical instruments company. In fact, I couldn't believe the domain was available. But I was still approved.
I have to strongly disagree.

Little potential TM confusion is of course quite the opposite, everybody that knows of the company Honda and it's worldwide status in the automotive/engine industry thinks of Honda.... the of the most famous brands in the world, when you see the domain

Only in the event you're authorized to make use of the Honda TM by Honda, you can incorporate this into a domain when used for commercial (eBay) use to profit from parts manufactured by Honda in conjunction with a online presence offering Honda parts in the way as Sasquatch has brought forward.

To give you insight of actual WIPO decisions that have taken place see the following panel decisions:

You might want to rethink your opinion on being a WIPO defensible domain.

If Honda takes notice and they want your domain you will lose it.
Go with a generic domain and create a category for /*provider*. You'll save yourself time, potential legal risk as well as gaining the ability to scale the site.
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