domain name

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New member
Apr 25, 2007
i am looking at few different ways to approach the domain name I want to purchase.

1. top10boxingtips
2. top-10-boxings-tips
3. findboxingtips
4. find-boxing-tips

now "boxing" is not the actual term (just incase someone is trying to steal it:) )

Is there any benefit with putting "top 10" or "top 5" in your domain name? I thought it was a little more catchy to someone surfing, but it could also be a little cheesey. Anybody have a preference?

Is there any benefit with putting "top 10" or "top 5" in your domain name? I thought it was a little more catchy to someone surfing, but it could also be a little cheesey. Anybody have a preference?

Is your site going to feature a top 10 or top 5? If not, why put it in the domain name?
yes, it would feature a top 5 or top 10.

ps. this was supposed to go in the noob forum, but i even screwed that up. That makes me a super dumb noob.
do the hyphens affect the site as far as rankings? the one reason i was thinking about hyphens is that if i use adwords to promote the site, it would be much easier to read the site url in the adwords ad itself ... and that maybe the url itself might attract some traffic.
I agree.. no hyphens please...
1. top10boxingtips
2. findboxingtips

Just any of the two...
Your domain names suck.

Tell me what the subject is and I will brainstorm some top notch (available) names for you.
search for "Boxing Forums" Try to register the top 2 or 3 search terms like:

That way, you get relevant domain names and theres a chance (the more generic the better) that you'll get type in traffic too.
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