Domain name law and trademark issues

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New member
Jan 18, 2009
Hi there,

Im quite new to IM and have bought a domain name with a well known fitness trademark within that name eg. (

Where to i stand with this, can i put up affiliate links with amazon etc..will i get in trouble with Wilson? i dont fancy getting any trouble etc..

any advice would be great.



Better off to stay as far away from TM names as you can. Whether they will come after you or not all depends on them but it's not worth it in the long run. We just had to settle on a TM suit from names which were just borderline TM names IE windowschat (not the name but to give you an idea)
Honestly, it has everything to do with Wilson. More and more companys are moving to (try) control their web presence and brands. Your best bet is to try and make yourself an asset and make sure to portray them in a positive light. That still doesn't mean that they won't eventually come knocking on your door as you'd still be making money off their brand name.
stay away from trademark names... i had one.. i had TM problems with this domain... so i dropped it asap
Alot of people will tell you you could get sewed or a URDP, but that can happen with any name. Alot of it has to do with how the domain is being used. You ARE using it in bad faith if you have wilson ads up their, linking to amazon etc.

You probably would be fine if your name was wilson and you custom made tennis raquets and had a site about your products. But for what you are using it for, Wilson could easily get their domain back if they wanted to. You might get away with it though for years, or forever. Some companies dont care. Roll of the dice.. the worst that can happen is they take the domain and sew for damages to their name :O
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