Domain Keywords?


Marketing Dope
Jan 4, 2011
This might be a stupid, but I gotta ask.

I've read a ton of posts stating that the domain keywords matter little by comparison to the content on a specific site. I bought a domain last week and haven't really configured the site yet. I received an random email from AddDomainsNames[dot]com stating that my domain's keywords get 22,200 global searches, and roughly 8,100 local searches monthly. (which is prob nothing spectactular)

It goes on to show my keywords; "laws of attraction" shows the search statistics (above), and then states the Average Cost Per Click is 1.06?

I feel like a dumb ass, but can someone explain what exactly is the Ave Cost Per Click? -(and is 1.06 good? or bad?)

On another note, my wife sells Avon products, and the company will not let me add 'keywords, title, meta-description' or optimize her online store at all. I found a "keyword rich domain" available that gets 873,000 searches globally, and 673,000 locally. My need to undersatand how this may benefit her site consists of buying the domain, and redirecting it to her Avon store online.

But, what I was wondering; is there a way I can create an invisble web page of sort that allows me to add just the Title, Description, Keywords, and meta-info, to get her site higher ranked, and then just redirect right to her stores issued URL? (without a landing page, just a redirect to site)

I don't know if that makes sense or not. The goal is to optimize her domain name with 200-300 rich keywords like make-up, Skin-So-Soft, cosmetics, etc...then just have anyone who clicks her "new" domain auto-redirect to her Avon store online? (*with the hope random searches for those "rich keywords" in her new domain title will create a traffic flow from the 673,000 local searches.)-if that makes sense.

It just seems stupid the only keywords they added to her avon site by default is her name and independent avon rep, nothing concerning the products she sells or anything relevant for search engines to 'rank'.

I'm still new to all this, and the Ave Cost Per Click statistics I received in my email, has me wondering what a domain with 673,000 local searches per month translates into regarding the ave cost per click?

Thanks in advance,


i specialize in invisible websites and invisible blog farms. if you need help just him me up.
Oh, and the numbers above reflect exact keyword searches, which would be the, i mean I don't neccessarily want to create a "spam-dexing" site, so much as strengthen a real site with real products, optimize somehow, and get some keyword traffic flowing.
Make sure when you're doing your Google searches for your domain keywords that you trap the exact domain in quotes. IE: "DOMAIN" This will give you a more realistic count on how many sites are out there. you could also do a intitle or inURL search to learn more about how valuable those specific keywords are.

Also remember, Google does not care about your keyword meta-tag

I hope this helps

KeywordSpy is a great tool for estimating volume of search ( at least adwise ). I can tell you from experience that having the keyword you are trying to rank for in the domain name itself is a big help in terms of ranking. Although, you do need to have strong content and good links pointing at your site.
Update: Kinda drifted away from the forum for a bit, as I am making typical rookie mistakes like trying to do everything at one time!

Anyway, since my last post here, I have bought roughly 35-40 more domains, and throughout the advice here, and on a couple other posts of mine here, I am getting much better at finding [exact] match domain names in various niches.

In truth, much of my time has been spent doing just that. I just bought some at 2am this morning that are low competition, getting over 100k global hits monthly, and are in some great niche keywords for either a few affiliate links, or maybe to slam a PLR or MRR item on them.

Unfortunately, my expertise with backlinking and content still sucks as I am just getting into this aspect, so with any luck one of the two programs I bought will help:

TrafficGrab -James Schramko

ProfitStorm5 -Andrew McLeod

Both seem to focus on building sites fast with powerful SEO tips, and cashing in with PayDotCom or ClickBank products on them.

For me, it was easier to start with resale websites, as they have product already to go. But, I learned quickly, unless I want to stop the presses and spend my days advertising the hell out of these sites...their SEO sucks....duplicate content.

I don't believe it was a waste of money, as it gave me some great experience in tearing down the HTML, adding affiliate programs to the products, and got me to open a PayDotCom vendor account.

Haven't sold any yet, but in the last 30 days, I put 10 sites up! -It's a start!