Domain fowarding / Spoofing

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Investment Opportunity!
Jul 5, 2006
I need some sort of simple solution / script that i can use to foward my new domain to my old site...

The Dilemma is I sold my site, Changed the Layout/Logo, and kept the site live the entire time. While I change all the hardcoded links(there is thousands) from my old domain, im looking to spoof the new domain over it in the address bar.

So instead of sending a user to a specific page using the old domain, i want to foward it to the new domain...

I want to make it so that specific page:

can be linked as
and have that also display in the address bar. This used to be able to be accomplished via cgi scripts, but i cannot find the script anymore...Im looking for this quick fix because i have a Snail mail flyer that dropped and to have any downtime rightnow would be detrimental to the buisness.

But seeing in the address bar, but the new logo and company info must also be confusing. I have a standard domain foward set up, but until i can switch the default domains and fix all my coding, i need a quick fix...

Does anyone have this available?

Not 100% sure what you want, but this will forward one domain to another. Add this to your .htaccess on the old domain:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.new-domain\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www\.new-domain\.com/$1 [R=301,L]
That will work on a linux server with mod_rewrite enabled. Change the domain as necessary.
Not 100% sure what you want, but this will forward one domain to another. Add this to your .htaccess on the old domain:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.new-domain\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://www\.new-domain\.com/$1 [R=301,L]
That will work on a linux server with mod_rewrite enabled. Change the domain as necessary.

Even then the url is going to change to the new one in the browser. Only three real ways it wouldn't.
1) Using an iframe or frameset to load up the newdomain content below.
2) Point the old domain to the same nameserver or hosting as the newdomain so that the same site shares both names (probably not something you're able to do)
3) A redirect to a local php, which duplicates the content of the target page on the fly, so that the old domain name remains in the browser.

However none of the options will work if
The Dilemma is I sold my site, Changed the Layout/Logo, and kept the site live the entire time. While I change all the hardcoded links(there is thousands) from my old domain, im looking to spoof the new domain over it in the address bar.

means he no longer has access to the server the old domain is pointed on. As you can redirect, but you can't just simply spoof a domain name in the address bar (especially one you no longer have control over).
Even then the url is going to change to the new one in the browser. Only three real ways it wouldn't.
1) Using an iframe or frameset to load up the newdomain content below.
2) Point the old domain to the same nameserver or hosting as the newdomain so that the same site shares both names (probably not something you're able to do)
3) A redirect to a local php, which duplicates the content of the target page on the fly, so that the old domain name remains in the browser.

However none of the options will work if

means he no longer has access to the server the old domain is pointed on. As you can redirect, but you can't just simply spoof a domain name in the address bar (especially one you no longer have control over).

No I still have control over everything, I have an employment contract with the company that bought my site. I guess for a BIT more help, i could be more specific. Here are the links to the avoid shameful plugs, ill put spaces.

NEW DOMAIN: www. therdstore .com

OLD DOMAIN: www. internationalfse . com

Im just looking to get the new ownership off my back. They want ALL of their 15000 items on this site(to which i am adding daily), they do not want any downtime, and they find it annoying(so do I) that when they directly link to a product via email or what have you they have to link it via www. internationalfse .com/subcategory/product.html. Its even worse that the old domain still shows in the addressbar.

Point being I just need to find a way to fix it temporarily until i can move this to a dedicated server.

There might be other ways, but I just checked a few domains I have with Godaddy that I use for 301 redirect to an affiliate link, AND I have their domain masking feature enabled. The resulting web page is actually a frameset. So even if you find a domain registrar that allows domain masking, you are still going to wind up with a frameset on the redirected page.

Rex Swain's HTTP Viewer

UAG = Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5
REQ = GET ; VER = 1.1 ; FMT = AUTO
Sending request:

GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5
Connection: close

• Finding host IP address...
• Host IP address = x.x.x.x
• Finding TCP protocol...
• Binding to local socket...
• Connecting to host...
• Sending request...
• Waiting for response...
Receiving Header:
End of Header (Length = 239)
• Elapsed time so far: 0 seconds
• Waiting for additional response until connection closes...
Total bytes received = 767
Elapsed time so far: 0 seconds
Content (Length = 528):
··<title>Example Title</title>(CR)(LF)
··<META·name="description"·content="Example description"><META·name="keywords"·content="Example description">(CR)(LF)
Total elapsed time: 0 seconds
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