domain branding issue?!!!?

New member
Jul 23, 2009
Sorry if this has been brought up before. Im trying to figure out which domain name to go with. Im currently developing a online weight loss system. I have 2 domains purchased: and (i dont own these. These are VERY similar examples)

I have 3 options here i can use as its very memerable, or (however is this a global product so i dont want to do that) and is taken. My final option is to purchase a non related easy to remeber .com eg: or somthing similar.
  • Question:
    Will there be any disadvantages using a .tv over a .com
    Will people remember a .tv or will my advertising be wasted
    Will this effect my SEO in anyway
    Is a unrelated memreable .com better?
Thanks for your answers. - This is good if your site is based on training videos. If not, it's not good. - This is not good if your target is global.

Will there be any disadvantages using a .tv over a .com
You may lose some typein traffic to .com

Will people remember a .tv or will my advertising be wasted
People will remember if your content is good enough.
Just because you have store at prime location (domain name) doesn't guarantee you success.
But, you will have better chance of success at prime location.

Will this effect my SEO in anyway
I don't think so.
Domain extensions are hardly major factor in SEO.

Is a unrelated memreable .com better?
Keyword domains are always better.
However, if you have great products, big budget for branding, it shouldn't be a problem.
Google, Yahoo, Bing plus tons more. These are not keyword domains.

Great SEO (on page SEO and tons of great one way incoming links from related sites) will
always out perform keyword domain without much SEO.
But, keyword domain has advantage over other domain if everything else (contents & SEO) are same.

Get keyword .com domain.
If not, get .com domain with at least part of the domain has keyword.
Or, get .com domain with related keywords - diet, health, healthy, fitness...
There is no substitute for .com
.tv is cool for a video brand but you still want the .com

If your sites get popular and you don't own the .com, you will be sending some percentage of your traffic to the .com owner and they will love you for it.

I've never seen exact stats on how much traffic you would lose, I think it depends on your audience and how your traffic gets to you (type in vs. clicking on links in an email vs. searches, etc.). Could be a few percent or more lost I'd guess, though visitors who are repeat would probably figure it out and go to your site on the second try.

But as someone who owns a ton of domains, I can see when someone's site at a .net starts to get popular and I own the .com. Jumps right to the top of my parking stats.
I can't state this as absolute fact but I've read from more than one reputable source that Google primarily gives the exact match seo bonus to com, net and .org. I've only developed on those extensions so I can't confirm from my own experiences.

From an SEO standpoint, your probably better of sticking with the big 3 if you want to rank for your primary keyword with the least effort possible. On the other hand, this might directly conflict with your ability to brand the site.

I don't mean to muddy the waters but you should take everything into consideration.

I'm of the opinion that you'll still receive a keyword bonus by adding an additional word to the .com. I base this off the fact that Google usually highlights the url keywords in the serps that matches the search term, even if it's not an exact match.

Using your example, I'd suggest adding a relevant term to the back or front of the url. Even then, the best options will probably be taken.