Does working out increase creativity?

1825 Tulane

New member
Jun 29, 2010
It might just be me since most of you bastards are lazy as hell but ever since I started working out it seems like i had some of my most profitable and creative ideas. Might have something to do with increased endorphins or something but hell i just work out now to make money. Getting healthy is just a side benefit.

Working out is a great way to get the blood pumping, release endorphins, reduce stress, and it makes you feel good about yourself. So yes, it does.
More blood flow and oxygen to the brain = profit

Not so much creative for me, but gets me motivated, if I dont train for a couple days I get tired and in just a blah kind of mood.
look, get ready for massive human vs robot showdown. if you get monies on interweb in meantime, much success for buying more ammunition!

good luck bros.
Conquering massive weight gives me confidence, which can lead to productivity if used correctly. It's different for everyone: Some people use a good workout as a reason to lounge around and do nothing with the rest of their day.
Take cool showers in the morning (like pool temp). The cool water getting in contact with your skin helps blood flow better. Don't go to hot water though in the beginning or end, as that kills the purpose.
I have been too lazy to turn on the boiler upstairs (ok, I admit, I don't know how...since my dad moved out it's been off) and let me tell you that cold showers do not spark creativity.

The only thing you can think about is "Fuck this is cold"
I've had some intense workouts, and have gone from 30+ lbs gain to 30- lbs weight loss from a lot of cardio (losing fat), and a lot of resistance training (adding muscle).. I think little has to do with actual exercise itself, but rather where you're currently at in your life at that point n' time.

In other words.. if you're really pumped up and excited about progress you've made in some other aspect of your life (like say physically via weight loss), that inspiration and motivation will carry on over through other parts of your life as well.

In the end, being physically fit shouldn't be a vehicle to solely increase work ethic, creativity etc.. but rather just a fundamental part of your life to keep yourself healthy. Work ethic/creativity/all other areas which require progress and focus should deserve direct attention, not attention on behalf of improvement from some other area of your life.

edit: i'm strongly buzzed, disregard if it makes no sense.
seen any research on this?

I don't have any research, but it is called Body Tempering (or something of that sort). From my understanding, the Russians popularized it. Just google Body Tempering. I didn't feel like sifting through all the search results, but there may be some info of value.

Here is an article I skimmed. It seems to give some decent background info about it.

Tempering the Body with Cold Water - Give it to me Raw
IM leaning towards more productivity then creativity. Either way so is it a win win...
seen any research on this?

Body Tempering and Cold Shower Therapy. I could pull up some articles but it's pretty simple.

1) Find a nice cool/cold temp you can handle in the shower.
2) Start rubbing yourself (;p) where the water is hitting.
3) The rush of the blood will actually warm yourself up as well.
4) *optional*, do controlled breathing if you can multitask this. controlled breathing prevents reduced shock if you decide to go commando and turn that handle to the right for a full cold shower.

Helps blood flow, reduces stress, increases fertility.
I feel better after a good workout for a day or two. I´m not so tired and my time is better spent.

I get my best ideas when I have a hangover.