Does this make me an asshole?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Hey so this is my first post here, but I've been reading the forums for awhile. Recently one of my landing pages was copied, which is not really a big a deal, except that he left my lp tracking script in his page and now I see all of his traffic that hits his lp (nothing really useful, he's basically targeting the same traffic sources as me).

It would be really easy to modify the tracking script (thats hosted on my server) to redirect his lp back to mine. Does that make me the bigger dick here? or does he have it coming for leaving my tracking script on his lp?

That does not make you an asshole necessarily... it;s his fault for not even double checking the code for any scripts.

I'd do it. If he's paying for traffic, that only benefits you.

He'll find out eventually and will change it, but you can change YOUR SCRIPT all YOU WANT.


Free traffic doesn't come around too often...
Do it. Think of the traffic as payment for your design services. I'd be sneaky and only redirect traffic with referers so when he checks the LP, he won't know why he's not getting any conversions.
Do it. Think of the traffic as payment for your design services. I'd be sneaky and only redirect traffic with referers so when he checks the LP, he won't know why he's not getting any conversions.

Or reroute his IP to