Does Market Health Pay?


New member
Mar 20, 2012
I have a niche site that is health related. I was considering using Market Health Affiliate program. However, no one I know has had success with it. Does anyone know if they really pay?

Yeah, they pay. However, but they will probably shave 99% of your sales like they do to just about every other affiliate.
It's because most of their offers are free trials and pretty easy to convert. So of course, there's a catch.

I'm using them in an example doing a case study on my forum.
First of all, fuck you for promoting your forum. Second, that has to be one of the worst fucking excuses for shaving that I've ever heard.
What is percent o shave like ? I mean what is conversion in average in other words ? like 1:500 ?
If I had to guess, the shave has to be around 50%. I stopped working with these asshats a couple years ago.

PM Grindstone if you need a health products hookup.
I am of the opinion that markethealth shaves as well..

We sent well over 50-100 highly targeted search traffic clicks for a diet offer every day and not one single conversion... I call bullshit.