Does Google Do Credit Checks?

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Secret Lovers?
Nov 15, 2006
Hey guys i have a credit card registered with Google does anyone know if Google does any kind of Credit Check? I only have 1 card registered with Google with a credit limit well over $5000, my friend has 2 cards registered
and receives about 5x the clicks i get, we have the same keywords and use the same ads!

Any reason for this?

Thanks in advance =)

Hey guys i have a credit card registered with Google does anyone know if Google does any kind of Credit Check? I only have 1 card registered with Google with a credit limit well over $5000, my friend has 2 cards registered
and receives about 5x the clicks i get, we have the same keywords and use the same ads!

Any reason for this?

Thanks in advance =)

Say what?

Any reason for this?
I dont know you tell me!

Im pretty drunk right now, so maybe im missing something, but what is it your trying to ask? You have a credit card registered on an adwords account, end of story its registered with them, you have a 5000+ limit, whats the problem?

And where does your friend and his ads come into this?
I just would like to know why he receives so many more clicks than i do if we are using word for word the same ad's and keywords? any explanation?

Thanks guys! Sorry if it didn't make sense!
The whole quality score stuff comes into play. Is his account older or newer? Have his ads been online longer? G could be giving his ad more weight compared to yours due to his CTR history and other variables.

Search here for "quality score" and it should bring some things up.
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