Does Google Adsense give warnings?

Big Joe

New member
Apr 18, 2011
I was wondering if google dosnt like somthing would they give you a warning after reviewing your acount or just ban you?

The only thing Im worried about is impage placement with the adsense ad. I could have sworn I read somewhere that you have to have an image a certain distance away from an adblock. I read the TOS and couldnt find anything like that anywhere. One of my highest converting MFA sites has the blog title, my image next to the ad block and than the blog text underneath.

Is that kosher?

First off, Adsense TOS "suggests" that you keep ad blocks at least 150px away from any images. I don't have the TOS in front of me at the moment, but I read it about a month ago on an updated version that Google sent via email.

Secondly, I've heard of people getting a warning email when Google found something that violated TOS, but those were rare occasions. Google will usually ban your account and leave you wondering what happened, with little recourse to plead your case. So, stay within TOS and don't expect to get a warning if you think you may be doing something against terms.
I received a warning when adsense was used on a site with content against their TOS. I removed it and it was fine.
They will Warn you if they THINK that what you are doing is genuinely out of mistake or ignorance or user driven (porn links via unmoderated comment)

But things like what you are saying suggests or at least gives an impression that you are doing it to cause accidental clicks deliberately. For that they usually give no warnings.

Warnings are mostly for content. I have had a warning, and I was given 3 weeks.
Then again, you never know..
Warnings are mostly for content.

This is absolutely correct, I received a warning specifically regarding the content being offered on the website, they disabled adsense on it, but they didn't ban the account.

Just don't play with images and adsense ads, it's much safer that way, set them far away from each other to clear any doubt.
Secondly, I've heard of people getting a warning email when Google found something that violated TOS, but those were rare occasions. Google will usually ban your account and leave you wondering what happened, with little recourse to plead your case. So, stay within TOS and don't expect to get a warning if you think you may be doing something against terms.

Yeah i had an account banned a while back, there was no explanation no nothing. I never got a warning about anything and really don't know what the deal was. But hey, it's their company they can run it the way they want to.

in their ban hammer letter, they just said my sit didn't "fit" their program right now. I'm like WTF?

But anyway, all's well that end well, getting the Adsense ban forced me to start making more money, literally. Adsense can put you in a comfort zone that a true hustler shouldn't be in...
yes they do give warnings. I received one, fixed the problem, everything went well after. Also know 2 different persons that received warnings. All where minor problems that had to be fixed.
Got my first account banned about 5 years ago with no warnings, but the page was on geocities and had 30% ctr. I got a warning on another account a couple of months ago for having a porn image on a site, they disabled the ads within a few days since I didn't remove it in time...
I've received 3-4 warnings from AdSense over the last 7 years, and I've always fixed the problem right away (usually an issue with placement too close to text). I do a lot of volume and didn't have any activity flagged as fraud so I guess there was no reason to ban me.