Does anyone still use Blogspot?


New member
Aug 16, 2010
To make loads of free blogs, make a load of posts on each one that are relevant, monetize, profit?

Sounds so easy.. even with half-assed posts.

I still use Blogspot to make my sites. it sounds ridiculous, but it ends up working out pretty well in the end.

I just made my first non-Blogspot site a few days ago through SMF.

I edit the HTML code down to make the blog look like a website i.e. remove Blogger navbar, change favicon, etc. The only thing I end up not being able to remove is the attribution to Blogger at the bottom, which was implemented a few months ago.

It's easy to connect to a .com domain, and there's no worry about hosting going down as it is hosted by Google.

The only issue that I run into is the lack of plug-ins. There are some Wordpress plug-ins that would work mighty well if I could implement them. In all honesty, I'll probably change my sites over to dedicated hosting + Wordpress in the near future.
The whole platform is a fuckin joke. They're notorious for tearing down blogs with their shitty spam bot (makes no difference if you are on your own domain). With no support there is zero chance that you can get them back once nuked as well. If you're after links then it would be so much simpler to just build a hub or lens.
One of my first sites was a Blogger site that had free Christmas clip art images. It's actually still around and every December it starts getting a couple hundred UV's per day and makes me a little cash. I have about 20 other old blogger sites that I just go throw links on occasionally.
No, not anymore. However, I still have a blog that I made 4 years back earning me $10-15 per month (adsense). No maintenance done in the last 3 years, not even a single new post.
Hmm, I just made another thread about AdSense, they won't bloody accept my application every time. Any minor error in application and I have to wait another few weeks
Yes, when a newbie use blogger, he doesn't have to worry about getting indexed in Google at least. and also no worry for adsense account approval. It is bad only for advanced bloggers because it is less customizable and thus cant be much commercialized.
yeah i still use it to use and make some what ridiculous but ends good in the end