Does anyone fly?


New member
Jan 24, 2013
Unlike many of you, I’m not interested in exiting the proverbial rat race, because what I am doing right now is probably far better for my happiness than having five/ten/fifty thousand dollar weeks.

That’s why, for me, my job is my number one priority, yet for most of you, if you are working for a ‘man’ your job is a means to an end. You want to get out, be your own boss and make your own cash, which is admirable and sometimes I wish I could embody the same mindset.

Anyway, I have never seen anyone on these boards talk about flying. It is my day job and I have no intention of quitting it. Surely some of you are keen on aviation enough to own your own helicopters or to take up some girls through some 7 G loops on a Pitts or something.

When I have holidays, or time away form flying, I tend to re focus a lot of my time towards web marketing. A hobby is to me what a lot of you consider your livelihood. When I go back to flying, I go back to hustling the shit out of customers so they can pay for me to stack as many hours as possible.

With the caliber of some of the internet marketers here, surely some of you either have your own aircraft, are an aviation enthusiast or are in the position of being able to charter private transport.

Yet nobody talks about it, and it’s a little bit baffling to me, being caught up in my own little ‘flying is the greatest thing ever’ mindset. But surely some of you have it.

Surely some of you have experienced the thrill that is an on demand roller coaster. For what some of you earn, becoming licensed to fly and hire / purchase say, a Bellanca Decathlon or a Pitts would not be beyond the realms of possibility. Once you get over the idea of wanting to puke up everything you have eaten for the last six weeks, flying your own aerobatics, to me, is one of the best things a person could ever experience.

So do you have any flying in your life? Own an ultralight? Charter GVs around the country? Have a favourite airliner? Are a commercial/private pilot? Whatever. Speak up. Post some pictures. Tell your story.

Both my dad and my brother fly so I've flown in a lot of different aircraft. My brother can literally fly anything with wings or rotors, and he has a helicopter.

I recently got into hang gliding, which I've always wanted to do since seeing so many of them and trying it a few times when I was growing up in Hawaii. Just picked up my very own Falcon 4 and having a blast with it. My instructor has some fancy smancy aerobatic glider and he can do loops and shit. Fun shit!
Definitely want to. I've had a few lessons in a Cessna (initially to get over a fear of flying in commercial aircraft), and really enjoyed it, would like to get my PPL at some point.

Your attitude is similar to other professional pilots I know - it's the greatest thing they've ever experienced, so why would they want to do anything else for a living? It's a nice position to be in. :)
Your attitude is similar to other professional pilots I know - it's the greatest thing they've ever experienced, so why would they want to do anything else for a living? It's a nice position to be in. :)

Yup. Every time I talk to my brother he says "I still can't believe I get paid good money to do this shit!" I make 10x more money than he does, but I'm jealous.
Don't own a plane, but do fly. A friend of mine has his own tiny little private aviation company. I've only ever flown single prop though and haven't completed my PPL yet.

Thinking about heading over to USA for a month to just get it out of the way with no distractions (and considerably cheaper than UK), but haven't the time at the moment, but I fucking love flying!
My gf's dad has a flight school. He used to own a mechanic shop for many years then sold it because he wanted to fly full time so he got his instructor license and opened a school and has 3 planes now(started with 1). Its really nice here in the NW, beautiful and lots of cool places to go.

There's a neat beach you can land on during low tide but at high tide it's underwater out on the coast.
i fly lufthansa bra

[ame=]Harlem Shake (Airplane Edition) - YouTube[/ame]
I porpoised a Bell 212 at 500' AGL over Kansas so hard that heads in back hit the roof and puke sprayed the inside of the front windshield...then the pilot took back the cyclic. And that was with him maintaining tail rotar pedal control. So no?
Yup...I've got a PPL but I rent aircraft I don't own for a variety of reasons.
I porpoised a Bell 212 at 500' AGL over Kansas so hard that heads in back hit the roof and puke sprayed the inside of the front windshield...then the pilot took back the cyclic. And that was with him maintaining tail rotar pedal control. So no?

Bloody hell - had you any training at all? You have to be a fucking jazz drummer to fly one of those! Christ!
OP proves a classic joke:

Q: How do you know if someone is a pilot?
A: He'll tell you.
Guy comes on an internet marketing board and ask why we don't have constant threads about flying... Okay, let me go to an aviation board, and ask why they don't have constant thread about marketing... Or a street racing board and ask the same thing.

It's clear you don't know anything about demographics. People hangout and talk about what they are passionate about. It's pretty clear we are more passionate about marketing that a mode of transportation. Fly, Racing cars, whatever your vice is, it's up to you. But being bewildered about not having flying threads... I'm bewildered.

Carry on...
just flew last week, Jetblue FLL > LGA, great flight..took the blue chips w/ diet coke. didn't check luggage and landed early, had towncar waiting.

love to fly <3

lol @ tags
Another Classic Joke
Q: What do Pilots use for Birth Control?
A: Their personalities.

Flying a helicopter is likened to being a jazz drummer in that it's like having to play four different rhythms in different tempos & time signatures at the same time - each limb independent of the others.

I guess you'd only really get the analogy if you're a musician or a drummer.

edit: I'm not sure if that's even close having never attempted to fly one, but here's a clip of someone being stupid:


Oh yes - how many of you are ambidextrous just out of interest?
Flying a helicopter is likened to being a jazz drummer in that it's like having to play four different rhythms in different tempos & time signatures at the same time - each limb independent of the others.

I guess you'd only really get the analogy if you're a musician or a drummer.

While we're off the subject of marketing & SEO, how many of you are ambidextrous out of interest?

I write left, but play sports with my right. I can even write with my right, until I realize I'm doing so.

Flying a helicopter is very complex due to the multiple axis that they manage. I want to get my helicopters license eventually as flying RC helicopters taught me a lot about Helicopters, the mechanics, etc... The most complex part is wrapping your head around how it moves in the air. What happens when you move the cyclic right/left/forward/backwards, tail rotor left/right, power up/down, etc... The behavior is different than what you would think.