Does anyone else hate Google Adwords?

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New member
Mar 21, 2007
Estados Unidos
I can easily get traffic from Yahoo and MSN gives me what little they have for my keywords.

Fuckin Google though. I don't want to create a landing page every time I want to test an offer. I am putting in long tail keywords that don't even have one competitor and Google is making them inactive, telling me I need to raise my bid to like 40 cents. Fuck that. I don't even know if this stupid ass campaign is going to make me any money yet. Give me a chance to see if it will before I fuckin cheat the system to make it look like I have a fuckin page that cares about more than just making a sale!

And seriously though, that's what the organic results are for, free fuckin value information. Who gives a shit if we want to have landing pages where every link is an affiliate link--- WE'RE PAYING FOR THE ADVERTISING! How many fuckin grocery stores pay the newspaper to put fuckin helpful how to articles on their behalf in the damn newspaper? They don't, they put nothing but coupons for their fucking products. How many paid TV commercials do you see that are strictly informational and don't try to sell you something the entire fucking 30 seconds.

They need to take their heads out of their ass and stop trying to make the ads look like organic results, because they aren't. They are fucking ads! They want to trick people into clicking them, but then they want the people to have a great, free, informational, no pressure experience once they get to the site. And they are so fucking concerned with the quality of shit when all their organic results are shopping portals and wiki fuckin pedia. If I want to search Wikipedia, I will go to Wikipedia! I don't want to see 12,000 shopping portals when I'm trying to look for information about a fucking product.

K, I'm done.

I agree, it's not that difficult to make them happy. It's just fucking annoying that they think they are so high and mighty that they expect their ADVERTISERS to not push their products and services hard.
Yeah, I hate google as well.

I'm having the same fucking problem you are having.

I have an offer I'm running on Yahoo that's doing pretty well. I brought it to google, kept relevant ad groups/keywords, relevant ad. I kept the adgroups more relevant thatn Yahoo. Still Bullshit. Google raising my bids, declining, etc.. even though my keywords are all relevant in the group and the ad also includes the keyword in the ad groups.

What I've found out is that, your LANDING PAGE has to be relevant to your ad campaign/keywords. So if you're just "testing" an offer, it's going to be complicated.

In other words your landing page has to be relevant to your keywords and ad. So you will have to get a landing page, but if you have a profitable campaign on Yahoo/MSN and bring it to Google it will be worth it with the amount of traffic Google brings.

So just test your campaigns on Yahoo/MSN if they are successful outsource a landing page, bring it to google and bam $$$$$ :)
That's my thought. That's how I used to do it, but Google seems to keep getting worse and worse and it pisses me off that they have 10 times the traffic of anyone else. Also, if you miss one little thing, you're fucked.

I hand built a 50 post blog/ affiliate landing site with 100% original content and tastefully plastered it with Affiliate links. I did some other stuff to make Google happy as well, but my fuckin stupid ass forgot to put other outgoing links to make Google think that I'm not just paying for an ad to sell stuff. I created a 20,000 word keyword list and uploaded it only to have all the min bids be $5.00.
Google sucks and the bigger their market share is the more they suck.

I love people telling me how to market my sites, then how to advertise my sites, then telling me how to code different parts of my site, then telling me not to link to affiliate offers, then telling me to have only one site...

Fuck you Google, you do your business, I will do mine.
i actually find it enjoying making informative sites and monetizing them with aff programs. and they rank in engines and i pay for traffic, and they convert the same - its the same traffic. to me its doing 2 things at once
I really like yahoo's ad program better, time and time again I get a better ROI from them than I ever have from google adwords.
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