Does anyone else find this extremely offensive?


Wicked Fire Elite Member
Mar 8, 2010

I just read this thread from another forum. I'm just wondering if I'm misreading things, or is this terrorism, and severely fucking absurd?

Terrorism at its best/worst

You pretty much have to read the whole thing. What is more surprising is it hasn't been removed, or the OP banned yet. I think if it were any other forum, hackers would be shutting this Mo'Fo down, and the US govt would be knocking his door down.

I'm just curious if my tired eyes are deceiving me, or if this is one seriously screwed up dude. I take it as a serious slap in the face for friends of mine working to get this asshole and his country men out of trouble.

Well seeing that its from DP I really don't give a fuck. But a damn nice way to link your crap none the less.
What happened was a tragedy but what even worse was the replies on DP, I'll pick one:

Ya its sad news, But i don't know why you are not talk when american kill peoples in iraq, afganista and in waziristan, and isreal in pelesting and india in kashmir.
What you think gov allow to kill innocent peoples but not any indivudal group? why we have allow gov to kill innocent peoples.

The fuck?
I find it offensive that you havn't showed us your tits.

She's Micah Moore in case Palmela needs a date later.

Thanks to the rest of you for confirming my thoughts. I just find the damned topics over there bewildering. I wouldn't go there except I have a couple of customers who insist on PMing there, rather than EMAIL. But yeah, that thread is fucked. Homeland security should make that one little douche's ass red.
What happened was a tragedy but what even worse was the replies on DP, I'll pick one:

The fuck?
That one, and the other basically saying "why isn't it acceptable to kill Americans, if Americans are allowed to kill innocent people" comment. That's flat out blind ignorance of our purpose over there. All joking aside, I have a friend who is stationed overseas...he would fucking lose it if he saw that someone he is compelled to defend was saying something so ignorant.
I know where it's coming from, majority of it is from Muslim's propaganda.

I live in Malaysia, and just two weeks ago, the mosque announced that the US is at war against Islam. I was like, WTF? They've been using religion/religious services as a medium to propagate hate all this time and people don't even realize it. and the funny thing is, whatever is being propagated at the mosques is controlled by the government.

It's pretty much politician trying to gain votes by pointing who the bad guy is (they say it's western culture and everything it stands for) and of course the constant jew-hate speech is inevitable. I get pissed off everyday I hope Islam will evolve soon, I see youth not going to the mosque anymore, drinking alcoholic beverages, never fasting but partying, I get a sense of hope. I want muslim youth to start having orgies instead of playing Counterstrike.

Just 3 weeks ago, an Imam (40 years old) married a 9 year old girl with the consent of the parents it's so fucked up because the parents reported this to the police after the Imam took off not because he kidnapped the little girl, but because he stole their car.

I'm one for getting rid of Islam. Fuck those sandbox countries. but shit, I think I live in one.
I'm one for getting rid of Islam. Fuck those sandbox countries. but shit, I think I live in one.

Organized religious groups of sheeples regardless of being islamic, christian, jewish, etc tend to have a negative impact on differences, and when you hate you're bound to get irate. Especially any religious that makes other religions an enemy of it.
I've been looking for a promo that has a decent payout (and preferably a rebill) with the same "marketing ploy" that is used in All organized religions... basically "buy now or you will burn in hell forever"

If anyone knows of such an offer or what network is promoting it please PM me.

'Do want to know what the matrix is? ... Its about control.'
Just to show I'm not all bad:

:angryfire: what the fuck. You're doing it wrong.

