Documentary: Why We Fight, Exposes The American Govs/Those in Powers Bullshit BIGTIME


New member
Jun 3, 2007
This shit will open your eyes, much of it most of you already understand but seeing bush caught out blatantly lying about this "war" is worth watching it alone.

No cliff notes, coz cliff notes aren't good enough, set yourself some time and watch it.

(didn't want to embed it coz its only small, go watch it on the big googly screen)

I watched it, and concluded there's nothing to worry about, the way things are right now it's like worrying about a meteor hitting the earth - there's fuck all we can do so we might as well not worry, try to make a buck and get the fuck out while it's still an option.

If the decision makers are always out of the public eye and everything having to do with those who have NO power is a constant media shit storm, the real information is never going to reach the public.

Our only hope would be a news reporting team as big as CNN that focused ONLY on issues of public rights, public concern and worked hard to expose corporations and their lobbyists. Public opinion will never change when the majority doesn't realize or know factually HOW they are being screwed.

The French revolution only had like a 1 or 2% participation from the public- how many angry people did THAT require, this is in a time where disinformation wasn't available 24/7 by the MSM, a time where men didn't manicure their faggot hands and also a time where being a fat blob of shit sitting on a couch 24/7 wasn't acceptable.

It also doesn't help that the best and most valiant men that WOULD if given the opportunity lead the revolution for the people, are AGAINST the people. The more men/women the army has, the less hope we have that things will ever change by force.

What hope do have now that things will change? The status quo is locked in place, there's too many redundant elements that will keep it that way.
Dick Cheney's Net Worth

Before Iraq: 1 million
After Iraq: 60 million

Dude had to go and fuck up 2 countries to make that paltry sum. Greedy fuck should be dragged out onto the street and clubbed to death
And this is why many are not fighting any longer.

Dick Cheney's Net Worth

Before Iraq: 1 million
After Iraq: 60 million

Dude had to go and fuck up 2 countries to make that paltry sum. Greedy fuck should be dragged out onto the street and clubbed to death

The guy in the video says his net worth went from 1 million or less to 60 or 70 million in the span of five years. Those five years were before he was elected Vice President.

From 1995 until 2000, he served as Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Halliburton, a Fortune 500 company and market leader in the energy sector.