Do you use check to pay your business credit card?

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New member
Sep 3, 2007
Today I went to the bank to make a payment to credit card, and the bank manager said I can't pay business credit card by direct transfer and I have to write a check to pay it (I don't have any check). I said check is too slow, but she said it is a business account, you must use check to pay for your expense. Now I am lost because I never paid my business expenses with check. Will the taxman be unhappy?

My credit cards are separate from my business checking accounts. I pay by doing an online transfer. Never had any problems.
AMEX business cards gladly accept bank transfers (in the US).

If you're int'l it might be different but I don't think so.
do you bank in India?

Banks in India accept bank transfers for Business Card payments as well. And even here the last time I went to the bank for my card was when I had lost it somewhere and was too near to my bank.

Even for my personal credit card, if the amount is low and i decide to pay in cash, the executive picks it up from my place.
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