Do you trust VA's and employees with account logins? Ever had it backfire?


New member
Apr 29, 2010
Just curious if you guys allow your VA's and employees to login to any of your online services like facebook, pinterest, 3rd party email providers, etc.?

Seems like a lot of us go through so many different freelancers for different things. Especially when you're strapped for cash and on a budget.

I'm curious how you guys manage the above risk? Do you just give them access and hope shit doesn't hit the fan?

So far, it's been fine. I've given a couple account access after a few weeks of working with them (starting off with just a paypal account I pay into with no more than 2 weeks salary at a time) and, touch wood, haven't had any problems.
I had an Indian VA do social media work one time. I noticed several months later that they had started following and liking their own businesses social media profiles from my accounts long after the job had concluded.

I kicked them out of all accounts, changed everything back, and reported them on odesk.

I was thinking about sending a Souvlaki team out to Mumbai to stick a King Cobra down this guys throat, but I just let it go.
I am maintaining a big companies Face book account. My boss trust me that's why he gave me this authority. I think if you can find a good VA. Then Its really not a problem.
I worked for a company that had a bad habit of not paying its bills. Particularly on development.

That site now gets hacked a few times a week by angry russians who never got paid. Even after changing passwords and what not.

On the other hand, I've worked with hundreds of employees for my personal sites and never had an issue. Just don't piss people off, and if you do changing the logins won't matter.