Do you love or hate UBOT 4?!


New member
Aug 9, 2011
New York, NY
Howdy fellow firecrackers ::

So what's the consensus on UBOT 4?? How do you guys like/unlike it? Why/why not and all that snazz.....Anybody? Bueller...?

thanks for sharing,

it will be my 2 years with ubot soon, and I can say that:
Code view, custom functions/command, chrome, spoofing, image recognition... alone are worth the money.

I was pretty scared developing big bots with 3/3.5, while now it really doesn't matter, as you can copy/paste as much code as possible.

Debugging is sweet as well.

I love version four despite the fact there's additional learning curve, plus you have to forget how things used to be...

Good piece of software.
I love Ubot4 but there are too many bugs.

There is gonna be an update on monday night. If that update cures some of the most obious problems then i'll be happy again.
Used to use ubot alot close to 2 years ago but gave up as was too time consuming to do things that should be simple working through the quirks (mainly using the eval statement for very basic string manipulation). Although did end up with about 20 web2.0 bots to sign up and post to.

Have kept on receiving the emails from the list and tempted to have another look with 4, esp with the coding feature
The debugging function of Ubot 4 is improved! Only that thing got my love!! Enough said!
Ubot 4 is great, but Seth and his team really have to take care of the bugs and the forum more aggressively.

The forum feels "abandoned" right now, and that is not a good thing.

Ubot 4 is great, but Seth and his team really have to take care of the bugs and the forum more aggressively.

The forum feels "abandoned" right now, and that is not a good thing.


i agree. not a whole lot goin on over there, it's sorta frustrating:mad:
I wish they would come out with some better tutorials. They always make these very noobie basic tutorials but nothing for those of us already skilled with the ubot logic, but maybe not a natural wiz at it.
version 4 is maturing nicely. it's stable enough to be used confidently.
previous to ubot 4 it took up too much resources when running. Then when i found out i'd have to pay another $200+ to upgrade to professional to get code editing and multithreading i said fuck that and moved on.
Hey dooogen

Sorry the cost to upgrade is so high, but the features it's got make it worth while. I mean - Code View basically means it's a whole new program! Plus image recognition and multi-threading. Really worth it for the serious developer.

Anyway, we've got an upgrade deal going on until the end of December, so if anyone is interested in a Pro version upgrade from Standard, PM me!

I've vowed to try it once Seth takes up smoking and brings that voice down a few octaves. It's like getting automation advice from Jennifer Tilly.
I'm a fan. Code view makes everything so much easier. Just wish there was a find function available. I end up doing my edits in notepad and then copy/pasting it back in to ubot. Also a bit buggy, but that's nothing new for Ubot.