Do you have this...?


New member
Jun 29, 2013
Some time ago...
Hey guys and gals,

I'm not asking questions often but this time I do.

Lately I have this feeling that I'm a bit different than other people.

Now, before you start fucking with me!...

I mean, I'm finding it difficult to have just normal conversation with people, you know conversation about.. nothing. To me they all are very fucking boring and a waste of time.
And I'm not a kind of cold motherfucker (maybe sometimes a bit), generally I like people and like to learn from them.

However, lately I found myself in a situation that if my interlocutor isn't talking about IM or money (or something that matters.. to Me at least!), he is a bit boring after 15 minutes or so...

So, am I getting fucked up a bit too much? (probably not)

Anyway, what are you thoughts?

What's with all the self help threads lately?
Well, it's not about self help per se, more about knowing experiences of other people who do IM and bus online to confront them with my own.

My intention here is not to help myself because I don't need I think any help, just want to know what others who do similar things think about it.

In my "real" world I don't have anyone who is doing what I do, so probably that's the reason.

EDIT, in fact no one of my "friends" is doing any serious bus (some tried but failed and gave up.. fuck them in that matter)
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try yahoo answers or reddit ffs

also worst effort for tits ive seen in a long long time. negged.
I think you will grow out of it eventually.

To me they all are very fucking boring and a waste of time.

If your time was so precious you wouldn't be wasting your time posting about things wasting your time.
I think you will grow out of it eventually.
So, in your opinion it's just a stage.
If your time was so precious you wouldn't be wasting your time posting about things wasting your time.
My time is precious. And I prefer to spend it here (or there...) with people who probably share my interests (even if it's only online), than with people who talk about weather and BS. Ok, there is nothing wrong with talking about weather and other small things. But still, I have this different perception of the world... You get it?
Why I have these red squares on my profile?

I can guess, bad taste in 'breasts', cause that's what you posted...


The tits icon is used for tits, boobs, not random breasts. and the worst part was you forced everyone to right click, then open each one of then and they only got worse and worse... I can't comprehend what you were thinking posting those 'breasts'. That's what 'negged' or 'negged rep' or '-rep' means... Please, never do that ever again, It was a fucking disaster... This was the worst day of my life... :(

Hopefully this saves the thread, only if Suddenly_Tits where here...







is this better?

No, Nope, Noooo, mate... I'm dying here... Where is Suddenly_Ass!!! It's the whole presentation, the flow of the images, it's like writing a poem, a novel, or painting a picture. The face with the tits, the posture, the previous and after photo, everything matters in the presentation. The first image sets the tone, and the last image is like a signature on a hand-written letter. It's all important. Sometimes you can just post 1 image, and it makes THE statement.

"When one is writing a letter, he should think that the recipient will make it into a hanging scroll." - Hagakure​

A photo like this:


Is more powerful than a photo like this:


You have to understand the difference, if you think you can go up against someone like Suddenly_Ass*.

* Round 2 is coming SA...
No, Nope, Noooo, mate... I'm dying here... Where is Suddenly_Ass!!! It's the whole presentation, the flow of the images, it's like writing a poem, a novel, or painting a picture. The face with the tits, the posture, the previous and after photo, everything matters in the presentation. The first image sets the tone, and the last image is like a signature on a hand-written letter. It's all important. Sometimes you can just post 1 image, and it makes THE statement.

"When one is writing a letter, he should think that the recipient will make it into a hanging scroll." - Hagakure​

A photo like this:


Is more powerful than a photo like this:


You have to understand the difference, if you think you can go up against someone like Suddenly_Ass*.

* Round 2 is coming SA...

I was going to read this thread but it seemed To me very fucking boring and a waste of time.
posting some disturbing tits explains why you need self help... the quality needs to be lifted...

start by setting some higher standards...allow fake tits in so you can experience symmetry.