Do You Have Filipino Employees? Be a Great Boss! Donate to help victims...


Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
This is just a quick shout out to anyone who may have VA's, writers, programmers in the Philippines. Dunno if you know this but they've had some terrible floods there and it's affected alot of people.

You might consider dropping a buck or two to something like the Red Cross in the Philippines (no relations obviously here Philippine National Red Cross - Appeal for Botolan Flood ) or hell you can keep it close to home and paypal your employees a little something.

Even just $10 could go along way. Not only will you be helping fellow human beings you will be strengthening loyalty among staff, something that's very much appreciated in their culture.

Safe employees=more productive employees=more $$$ (if $ is your bottom line ;) )

Just a thought.....good luck bros

news link:
Scores killed in Philippines floods -

I will offer a no strings attached free 30 min domain name consultation (7 day offer) to anyone who donates $100 or more...PM for details. This is on new regs not premium one or two word properties for which you might be looking for complicated statistical analysis involving historical variables (comps, cpc-to-stock market indices analysis, prior ownership profiling, etc..ain't got time for all of that love sorry :p )

Hopefully the Philippine National Red Cross will be able to use most of the money to help the people that need it, rather than line the already fat pockets of the local upper class.

The flooding wouldn't be nearly as bad if the residents stopped filling the gutters and storm drains with garbage.

I like the Philippines, but Filipinos really need to change some things like that.