Do You Have Contacts At Gizmodo, Tech Crunch, or any other big tech blog?


WF Premium Member
Apr 7, 2010
Looking for contact info or any "ins" that some of you may have at these sites. I have something I'd like to get published that is some high quality content.

They all have tips\submissions emails, just email them. Have done it in the past and been successful as long as it really is quality\interesting stuff.
They all have tips\submissions emails, just email them. Have done it in the past and been successful as long as it really is quality\interesting stuff.

Yeah saw those, figured they just dismissed them. How long between the tip submission did it take them to publish your content?
Yeah saw those, figured they just dismissed them. How long between the tip submission did it take them to publish your content?

I sanded the back of my iphone 3G to give it a matte finish, made a guide on how to do it and it was featured on gizmodo and lifehacker pretty much the day after I emailed them.
I feel like >70% of the recent posts on TC are guest authors. They got all their twitter info and what they are doing/their site.
Looking for contact info or any "ins" that some of you may have at these sites. I have something I'd like to get published that is some high quality content.

Here are some great answers:

Social Media: What are some tips for getting your startup featured on TechCrunch, Mashable, and other tech blogs? - Quora

Generally, just pitch them a compelling story that's easy for them write and get pageviews for "The X of Y" "X saves [money/a person's life/environment]" "X for [niche]"