Do you find women into Black Hat sexy?

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Incongruous Juxtaposition
May 2, 2007
I was just thinking the other day how cool it would be if you and your spouse got down like that. On the other hand, men if you cheated on her/us, forget about cutting your dick off, we could just send trojans, malware, viruses, etc.:rasta:, lol

Does any guy here go out with a woman who is into black hat? There seems to be so few....

How did you meet and all?

Man?! Uh I'm a chick that's why it says "gal" in my

No but seriously, I was just thinking how cool it would be to have a hubby who could teach me blackhat, sort of like clyde teaching bonnie how to use the gun or tony teach elvira (scarface) how to cut the

It's late my brain is mash then again....
I really can't see how your method of achieving search engine rankings (I believe you're talking about seo?) could come into play in a relationship. I guess if the only time your spend together is over a computer....
I think it would be pretty awesome, actually.

"You hit my inbox every time baby."
I'd rather have one that can cook.

You really don't see that these days anymore. Really a shame. Not to sound like chauvinist or anything, but I think there was once a time when women were, you know, feminine.
You really don't see that these days anymore. Really a shame. Not to sound like chauvinist or anything, but I think there was once a time when women were, you know, feminine.

Very insightful. Some loss of femininity is the trade off for a woman in a competitive work arena.
Very insightful. Some loss of femininity is the trade off for a woman in a competitive work arena.
My wife cooks, and cooks well, and is in a "competitive work arena" (investment firm). And is quite a "girly girl". Well, other than the competitive bodybuilding thing.

I don't think it has anything to do with "loss of femininity". I'm a pretty damn good cook too if I do say so myself. Her mother on the other hand, makes things that would make a billy goat puke. ;)

It's not about being a man or women, feminin or not. People have become lazy and stupid, that's the problem.
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I don't know where you guys are from because all my girls can cook their ass off, are excellent hosts and are also ambitious as hell. Why do you assume that if a woman is into something like say "blackhat" she doesn't have any interest in more traditional things. If you as a guy had a profession some might consider "soft" like say a painter (artist) does that mean you can't hold your own on the basketball court or something?

Besides, a recent study in the Wall Street Journal (story really) said that the average high networth individual and ultra high net worth individuals ($30+ mill in liquid financial assets) had a mate with above average education.

Which is great to know because it's as easy to love a rich man as it is to love a poor one, lol
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