Do Successful People Read?

Do Successful people read?

  • Yes they do

    Votes: 85 82.5%
  • No they don't

    Votes: 18 17.5%

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aim high

New member
Jun 3, 2008
Something that I have thought about for a while. Do successful people read? People like Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates. I know that I barley read and its been something I've been trying to work on. So I have a couple questions

Do successful people read?
Do successful people read "self help" success books?
If you consider yourself a very successful internet marketer, do you read? If so, what kind of books?

edit: this is financially


I'm not really that successful but I know that knowledge is power and the more you learn, the more you can make.
Most highly successful people are lifelong learners. That doesn't mean you have to read a couple books per week but it sure doesn't hurt.

Mark Cuban said on his blog that he reads about 3 hours per day.
Do successful people read "self help" success books?
They write them.

If you want to have financial success, learn economics.

Start to consider equilibrium, capital theory, labor theory, supply+demand and incentives.

Understand marginal cost, the subjective theory of value, and the basics of money and credit. Oh and the division of labor.

Economics is the study (social science) of human action. It's not boring. It's understanding the story of man up to this point, with a keen eye to understanding the future as it begins right now.

And if you want some philosophy that helps you with business, then certainly take the time to learn about rational egoism. Most successful people pretend to be altruists, because that is what keeps the media and the masses off their asses, but deep down, anyone who is able to sustain success is a rational egoist. It is impossible to sustain dumb luck or karma over long periods of time. It must be purposeful, and motivated by an inclination to (first) profit and then later show goodwill and social conscience through a deeper understanding of trade.

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They don't read while they are becoming successful - they spend all their time working. If you want to make it big, only a laser-like focus and determined work will help. Reading books steals time and dilutes your focus. Some successful people start reading books after they have become successful, when they can afford to take some down time.
I've met a few self-made millionaires/billionaires, and none of them are particularly smart. They are not the kind of people you want to get stuck in an elevator with, because of their single-mindedness. Some of them have genuine trouble uttering a coherent sentence, and reading books is just not on their agenda. Their only advantage is that they have the focus and determination to work at achieving seemingly impossible goals. Books come later for some, never for most.
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They don't read while they are becoming successful - they spend all their time working. If you want to make it big, only a laser-like focus and determined work will help. Reading books steals time and dilutes your focus. Some successful people start reading books after they have become successful, when they can afford to take some down time.
I've met a few self-made millionaires/billionaires, and none of them are particularly smart. They are not the kind of people you want to get stuck in an elevator with, because of their single-mindedness. Some of them have genuine trouble uttering a coherent sentence, and reading books is just not on their agenda. Their only advantage is that they have the focus and determination to work at achieving seemingly impossible goals. Books come later for some, never for most.

So.... which self-made billionaires have you met? There are not that many.... less than 1000 billionaires period and most of those are not what I would call "self-made".

My vote would be almost all successful people read plenty. It might not be novels or anything but they read something. I'd say all the rich people that don't read or have much intelligence other than the field they excel at are just more vocal about themselves. For example most millionaires graduated from college and and an even higher percentage from high school, but you will certainly hear the most from the few millionaires that were high school drop outs.

So while all the modest well educated successful people read quietly you have the few loud boastful uneducated successful people that will tell you how useless reading is. A vocal minority can often skew results.
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