Do people still want databases?


New member
Jan 7, 2007
I used to sell a bunch of databases on here for the purpose of making content sites with a bunch of pages to get indexed by google (a la Eli's SEO empire). I had a colleges database (Scraped from USNews), a golf courses database, a movies database, and a bunch of other cool shit I don't remember.

Anyway, my internship this summer is going to require me to do a lot of scraping, and I figure I should get back into practicing it. Is there still interest in these kind of databases? If so, what kind would you guys like to see?

a) Sure thing.

b) As much material as possible. Include images / video links, descriptions, etc..

Most definitely. Get SPECIFIC details on as many cities as possible. For example, the name & location of a local coffee shop. Not "Starbucks on 4th street", but, "Janelle's Cafe on 18th Ave and Dundrus St." type of thing. Plus professional and college sports teams, colleges in the area, landmarks in the city, and so on.

Works great for geo-targetting! Contact me if you ever get something decent put together.
I'd like to see an updated golf database with as much info as possible about amenities, pros and greens keepers, grass type, yardage, tee times, directions, logos, photos, etc. etc. Much like the info that is available at golflink and similar sites.
I'd like to see an updated golf database with as much info as possible about amenities, pros and greens keepers, grass type, yardage, tee times, directions, logos, photos, etc. etc. Much like the info that is available at golflink and similar sites.


@OP, I remember buying your Golf Course Database on another site! Made a bunch with GaySense - until they fucked with my account.

I would like the new databases to be more elaborate. It would be terrific.
If you have access to OTC (over the counter stocks) or "pink sheet" databases, or you know how to scrape that info, drop me a Pm. Please

I'll pay, and pay better than 90% of the cheapos who monitor the BST part of this forum. Like more than $10 an hour, for pete's sake.
I have a database I may be needing soon pm me and let me know what your rates are we can chat about it.
It really depends on the page set up. Scrapebox does a good job of scraping, but if you want a really versatile, clean database from a website with a complicated setup, you need to do it manually.

Anyway, I'm working on the golf course database now. Scraping golflink. You guys will definitely like it...including all data including reviews, distance from nearby cities, course descriptions, thumbnails, etc. PM me if you are going to want it and I will let you know when it's ready. Haven't decided on a price yet but probably $39.
made a chunk of change off that college db you had out a couple years ago.

an imdb db or any movie star db would be really good.

lyrics would be good

athlete stats databases would be good too...
Good to see you're still in the game chatmasta...I have a couple of your databases from a few years ago...It would be cool to get some info on the micro level where google local search can possibly be taken advantage of...

I'll PM you some niches I'd be interested in...I'm sure there would be a demand...