Do partners work?


New member
Jun 30, 2011
I've got a 50 hr-week job. A wife, mortgage payments, and loads of other time-sink responsibilities. (No "pics of wife or gtfo" plz)

I'm a business man by day, but I scourge the internet by night (and sometimes day) looking up information on internet marketing.

I know how to do all the a/b, split testing, campaign management, cpc, and conversion rate mumbo jumbo and can figure all that stuff out in my sleep from my experience during the day job. (auditor for public accounting firm)

What I can't do, and don't have the time to learn, is how the fuck to setup a website correctly. I mean I can sit wordpress on a domain. All the newb guides coincidentally say they didn't know anything about website stuff either, and to just shell out $50 to have someone make one for you.

I don't mind spending the $50, but unless I'm one stray outlier on the bell curve, it will be a flop, and it will flop more than a porn star's weiner on Jenna Jameson's back. I don't know how to change images or resize them to fit on a webpage. I don't know how to change text to be good sized, I don't know how to change where input fields come up on a screen, I don't know how to spam a contact info button when coming into the site, I don't know how to spam a contact info button on leaving the site. I know shit to nothing about databases and mysqler or whatever the wiz kids are talking about now a days.

Everytime that thing flops down and I want to change something it's another $50, if I go through 80 revisions finding a good ad setup, that's $4,000.

I frankly, don't have the time to deal with that shit. However, I have a close friend who has a master's in CS and is pursuing his doctorate and he has a lot of free time.

Is it a fair split 50:50 for me to do all the campaign management, ad copy, keyword research, etc. etc. and he handle all the design and website stuff?

Is it less fair if I front all the money for the clicks?

This is a tough question to answer because it is all relative. It is also important for both parties to understand that most likely you won't make any profits for awhile until you get some experience under your belt.

With that being said If you are going to be doing the ad word and taking the risk by providing all of the money for the clicks then you should be taking the vast majority of the money made. I would suggest something like 80/20 and negotiate from there making sure that he knows that there is a chance he won't be making anything for awhile.
You know i helped a mate out and was a director for his UK business. Cut a long story short he fucked things up behind my back and owes about 300k, the uk insolvency service are after me and looks like criminal proceedings are going to be brought. Fuck partners....
I have used a few partners on specific websites. I have found it a very good experience most of the time as long as both individuals have a clear vision and goal. I personally feel that the ideas and philosophies of how to make money online has to be the same too. For example, I'm not an ebook guy... I think most are useless. If I go into it and the other guy wants to build an affiliate website for an ebook, it just isn't going to work. However, if you both are into ecommerce, then that might be a good partner for you because you like the genre, but the specific niche probably is less important.

I would also advise you to take the time to research a product that both parties are in. Allowing someone else to be involved in every phase of the project will make them feel more ownership of it down the road.
Never had a partnership that worked out, especially one that involved a family member!
tell him you'll post on his facebook wall a lot and make him look super popular
just hire him to do your website stuff for a friend rate.

This. Partnerships that work are very (VERY) rare. And if you do decide to partner on your IM stuff, the split should be far from 50/50.

You're putting up the money, the entrepreneurial insight and the marketing approach... in essence, everything. Maybe a 90/10 split would be even. Maybe.

Ever consider outsourcing instead of going for a once-off package? You can lock in an designer from some places on the cheap.
That sounds pretty unfair to me. You can find anyone to do the design stuff. I would never give a designer that much, unless of course you are splitting 50% of nothing.

My recommendation would be to just have your friend tutor you on the basics. That should help with most of your problems. No offense but if you don't know how to change the size of an image or font text then you aren't going to get anywhere. Just suck it up and learn, it's not that difficult.

I am retarded when it comes to design, but the simple tweaks I can do. Anything else I just send to my web people. No partnership is needed.