Do our brains work like Google?

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Nov 28, 2007
Google's patented and powerful search algorithm, PageRank, may mimic the way the human brain retrieves information.

Our memory for words can be modelled as a network in which each point represents a different word, with each linked to words that relate to it. Psychologist Tom Griffiths and colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley, wondered whether the ease with which the brain retrieves words is similar to the way that websites are ranked by PageRank: by the number of sites that link to them.

It seems it might. In tests against other word-retrieval algorithms, PageRank most clearly matched the human model (Psychological Science, vol 18, p 1069). The results suggest human memory studies could be improved by examining the tricks that search engines employ, and vice versa, says Griffiths.
Original Article:


Some heavy reading for those with further interest and who don't have a subscription to Psychological Science:


no, it probably does not.

Every time a new technology arrived (ESPECIALLY computer technology) the metaphors / ideas about the brain's workings were changed. It is simply too easy to relate a machine that does "thinking" to the brain.

If Google's search algorithm mimics my brain, it's nothing to be proud of.
Yeah in the end though it still boils down to one little thing and thats without our brain there would be no algorithms or anything else for that matter, so unless a computer can create the things we can without being told exactly how to do it then we are still the all mighty, well thats until I create the AI capable of what I just said and completely fuck the human race but thats not til next year.
Yeah in the end though it still boils down to one little thing and thats without our brain there would be no algorithms or anything else for that matter, so unless a computer can create the things we can without being told exactly how to do it then we are still the all mighty, well thats until I create the AI capable of what I just said and completely fuck the human race but thats not til next year.


Dude, if they ever manage to compile an AI that is capable of making sense of that sentence, we are FUCKED.

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