Do not use dreamhost as your hosting


New member
May 9, 2009
Hey i would like to tell you experience with dreamhost, i register to their hosting 3 years ago and at first i was really happy with them their support was really good they also had chat support which saved me some time and everything was ok.
But lately it started few month ago thing got a lot worse, Let is start with the fact that i don't have a chat support anymore when i asked why i was told that my account don't support chat support and you need to pay more to get that (In the past i had that online chat support so i don't know what changed). I pay for their hosting about $120 per year which is very expensive compare to the other hosting providers but that is not enough for them to give me online chat support.
Few month ago their hosting where hacked i don't really know what happened and what info the hacker took from there but surly a hosting that gets hacked is not a good thing. To fix the problem they changed all the user passwords and the mysql password which made thing really hard.
Now for the reason i left is a new thing that dreamhost decided to do is to block output emails if the email don't come out with there server name.
That means that if the email that the script sent from won't be like this their host would block the email in most cases but not always (I don't know another hosting that block emails like that).
My script send me email with the order info from the email that the sender filled out in the forum which make it easier for me to replay to him if needed, some the emails where sent to me but looking but some didn't sent and got blocked by dream host.
As the result of that i lost a lot of money and client those 2 month, i pay good money to advertise myself and those 2 months i didn't got much clients because dream host blocked most of the emails, if they would block all of them i would understand that something is wrong but the blocked only some of them.
Those 2 month i lost a lot of money on advertise and a lot of clients just because of dreamhost, i have to say their customer support is not good those days as well.
Today i will lose about 2 more month of payment to their hosting because yesterday i moved to hostgator which is so far much better then dreamhost and i do get the online chat i used to get in dreamhost.

I know it is a bit long and i am sorry for that dreamhost in the past was great hosting but today something bad happening there, so i would recommend you guys not to use that host anymore so you won't end up losing clients and money like i did.

That sucks sorry to hear that. Seems like the costs offering free support caught up to them. If you are in the market for a good solid host with support included, feel free to PM me.
TVC.Net provides verified support. Look at all the signed and verified testimonials regarding service (Why TVCNet link). Sort of hard to beat this level of customer satisfaction on the planet today (if that's what you are looking for).
I'm a ISP too, and posts like that, which only bash the provider sucks.

There was probably good reason they blocked outgoing emails without reverse dns. If you send them out like that, you usually get blocked my most spamfilters, so a lot of these emails wouldn't have arrived anyway. Why didn't you configure it right in the first place, when the outgoing mails are important for you? And I'm also sure they announced that change in their news.

You also say 10$ per month is expensive. I'm always surprised how hosting customer pay tidy ammounts like that and still expect the highest level of service. Sure you can get good solid shared hosting for 10$ - but you can't expect high-end support.

How many minutes of tech support time can you buy for 10$ ? Not more than 15 mins in any case.

Pay 1000$+ a month for a managed hosting plan and we're talking. But wanting a tech guy arround you anytime for 10 bucks a month is just ridiculous.
I used their shared hosting for couple of years. then i signed up for their vps trial. didnt like it, sites was down more often than for shared hosting and i asked them to move me back to shared. they said no, my sites now use too many resources to go back (even though i didnt change anything). so i thought ok, i will stay on vps. then a year after they suspended my account saying that i was using too many of their resources?!? that was KINDA funny since my sites on their vps had around 300 visitors per day combined. and never used more than half of RAM, and barely any bandwidth or disk space. didnt let me backup my sites after suspension
I've got an account there and they are on par with other cheap shared accounts.

You get what you pay for.
Lol, your site dies and you lose money. Ever heard of redundancy. Actually don't bother answering, I already know the answer.
I'm a ISP too, and posts like that, which only bash the provider sucks.

There was probably good reason they blocked outgoing emails without reverse dns. If you send them out like that, you usually get blocked my most spamfilters, so a lot of these emails wouldn't have arrived anyway. Why didn't you configure it right in the first place, when the outgoing mails are important for you? And I'm also sure they announced that change in their news.

You also say 10$ per month is expensive. I'm always surprised how hosting customer pay tidy ammounts like that and still expect the highest level of service. Sure you can get good solid shared hosting for 10$ - but you can't expect high-end support.

How many minutes of tech support time can you buy for 10$ ? Not more than 15 mins in any case.

Pay 1000$+ a month for a managed hosting plan and we're talking. But wanting a tech guy arround you anytime for 10 bucks a month is just ridiculous.

He's use to getting a level of support that the hosting company set. He apparently had that level of support for years and then got upset that he can't get issues resolved. It's understandable why he'd be upset. You don't provide something for years to a client then randomly remove it and not expect them to be upset. That's as silly has offering it in the first place.

He's not complaining he can't send email to random email accounts. He's complaining he can't send emails to himself. Which is a reasonable request even on a $10 a month account. From what the OP said they're randomly blocking emails outbound based on the from address. You're also accusing him of setting up a shared hosting accounts mail server incorrectly. What shared hosting account in the world allows you to configure their MTA, rDNS, or anything else that impacts delivery from a settings perspective?
$120 a YEAR is expensive? You realize your site is sharing a server with probably thousands of other sites. Upgrade to at least a VPS if you are serious about marketing.

I think most of us pay at least that a MONTH.
Currently at DreamHost and they are not bad at all. The only issue I've come across has been having to point my sites to their nameservers (can't use your own for shared hosting).
Also, I wasn't able to use xMarkPro with them bc of certain limitations.
Fuck dreamhost. My sites were down yestorday because they were "doing maintenance on some rogue scripts that took up too much resources" (read: over loaded the server w/ accounts).

Now, my sites are down once again! WTF dreamhost you were cool a year ago now its like you are down once a month.