Do Links Outweigh Duplicate Content?

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New member
Aug 24, 2006
pretty noob question here...but...

lets say you have a couple hundred various sites from other people that link to one site of yours, but that one site of yours has all duplicate content (scraped from wikipedia) will that still hurt your PR in google?

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dupe content has nothing to do with google pr.

it will hurt your serps and indexed pages.

i would personally stay away from dupe content but if the overall page is different enough ,you could get away with it. the dupe content filter takes into account the overall page design not just the content.

good luck.
you have to copy everything exactly word for word and all the surrounding text to be tagged as dup. content
if there's nothing on the page but the paragraph that you jacked from wiki then you're probably fucked
as long as you stick a few random words in or around the text, you should be fine
as the cockman states above, links get your domain trusted. some domains are so trusted that duplicate content is not a factor.

i've seen a few sites that scrape wikipedia articles word for word and rank fine.
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