Diversify or DIE


New member
Oct 16, 2009
New York
Okay so maybe the title is a bit too over dramatic. But in the last couple of weeks, Affiliate marketing shit has started to click and everything is just falling into place for me.

No, i'm not the richest affiliate in the world, but $ is $. And one thing I have learned is that it is 100% imperative to diversify the campaigns you run. And don't always pick what you THINK will be a hot offer. Most of the times, those are the ones that eat up the bank.

For example, when I first started AM, I swore by re-bill offers. I didn't want to have anything to do with dating, gaming, etc. But that was what was hurting me. Yeah its nice to see another $40 in your account every time you refresh, but gaming offers, and dating offers can just as lucrative and you can potentially make more than you could have with a rebill.

I was inspired to write this post today because today was the day that I broke my mindset of sticking to rebills. I picked 2 campaigns, completely outside of my normal niche, and just fucking took them on a test run. Funny shit is, both of the campaigns have a CVR around 20%, and i'm getting EPC's around .35. As for the clicks.... they float around .10-.15.

My point here to all of you just starting out in AM, is to TRY OTHER SHIT! Just fucking try it. It just might work, and you'll be stacking $ in no time.

Great advice, funny how easy it is to get stuck when all it takes to move forward is a different way of looking at things.

Question for ya...how many campaigns do you test or have going at the same time? Just trying to get a feel for how much I should be working on at once.
Great advice, funny how easy it is to get stuck when all it takes to move forward is a different way of looking at things.

Question for ya...how many campaigns do you test or have going at the same time? Just trying to get a feel for how much I should be working on at once.

Test until you find something that converts (or force it convert). Then Get the campaign running soo you are consistently making a nice profit on it. Then move on to testing and scaling others. You can't eat an elephant whole, only piece by piece. The worst thing you can do is overwhelm yourself with campaigns.
Just curious, are you building websites and landing pages or doing some direct linking via FB or the likes?
It all depeneds on the offer. Gaming/ dating usually don't need LP's. Rebills more often than not should have a well thought out, quality LP.

But like I said, it all depends. You never know until you test.
there's a reason why you see gaming and dating everywhere. i touched both, never went full throttle with them.

My biggest problem first starting out, was starting a campaign and then half assing it. Once you see conversions rape that campaign for every penny its worth :).... Profit?