Disapproval On Facebook

yeh and even if you don't get banned it seems like after you've had a lot of ads disapproved it makes it more difficult to get other stuff approved.
If your ad didn't get approval from the FB, your FB account will not be banned. Make sure to check rules of FB ad for getting approval from the FB.
Like has been stated, try to make sure you know why the ads are being disapproved and try to make changes when resubmitting them. Also, remove any disapproved ads from your account before sending similar ones back in for approval.
Depends on how annoying you are with it. If you submit it over 9000 times, I would guess that yes they will probably ban you.
Be careful, you could face disapproval, you must be ready for that. If you're decided there are options of "Interested In"

Anyway, congrats for coming out, there is a phrase by Rudolf Brazda (the last gay survivor of the Holocaust) : "Nowadays' kids must enjoy the current freedom and defend it with all the strength, and I hope that our tough experience just warn the youth in order to never let extremist ideologies to grow and spread"
Facebook has never denied any of my ads before. They just approve and write me back a thank you email saying thank you for the business. Not sure what you are doing wrong.