DirectTrack Sucks... Why Is It Still Used?

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Mar 17, 2008
New York
Another affiliate marketer told me yesterday how he recently pulled all his campaigns off of any network that uses DirectTrack due to the recent major screwups that destroyed his tracking for weeks. He express that he is no longer going to use any network that uses direct track, it's not worth the aggravation, bullshit, and loss of profits. It's actually not a bad idea considering I was effected and most people I know were all dealing with the same crap as it took WEEKS for DirectTrack to fix their system and get it tracking subids again. Weeks?

I moved my campaigns as well after about a week and a half of asking my AM to get it taken care of (not his fault he couldn't) and it wasn't. It was all in direct tracks hands and this particular network had their hands tied as all they could do was keep calling DT's support and trying to get them to fix it while they took their sweet ass time.

Questions is, why is any real network still using the downright awful direct track anyway? Build a custom system you have full control of already, it's not that complex and the money to be made by these networks is insane, drop some of it on one of the most important aspects of your business please. Accurate tracking...

I agree with you. Although I like some of my AM's at networks using Direct Track i tend to avoid running campaigns there unless they are unique to the network. The backends suck and the tracking sucks too.

In my opinion the 2 best backend systems are run by NeverBlue & CX Digital.
Coming from a network standpoint, I'm going to be honest, for as many complaints as we see from Direct Track. There are just as many affiliates that actually love it. This is certainly a main reason why we keep it as our tracking system, and there are several others as well.

However, XY7 does respect every affiliates wishes, and this is why we have set up a separate tracking system if our affiliates wish to be on it. So we try to cater to each individual.
I would assume because directtrack seams to be just a white label affiliate program ran by the owners behind the script. They don't have to deal with advertisers when using directtrack, its turn key.

Bassicly buy directtrack, throw up an affiliate page, and you have your own affiliate network. Atleast thats what I got from reading this DirectTrack - CrossPublication

Seams so easy
BigWill you got it right. But over and above that honestly it's the best option out there right now. As their isn't many. Most people that start networks just want the network up and ran ASAP they don't want to mess around with making their own platform and as we stand now it's the best option.
I don't work with networks that use DirectTrack. Period.

If you can't invest in your own system (I could write one myself in less than two weeks) then you don't deserve my business. This is where we affiliates spend a large chunk of our time, reviewing stats, looking for new offers, getting urls, etc... it's got to be nice and not be littered with *****EXCLUSIVE*****!!@!@!#$$$$$ that's bullshit that we don't need to look at.
Often DirectTrack doesn't report 5-10% of valid leads/sales/clicks, etc. (This is what I've been told)
CXDigital has the best tracking I have come across hands down. No lag time and it's on point.

I know directtrack is the best option when you want to get going ASAP but some of these networks have been around for long enough to get serioius and rectify the problem in my eyes already... The fastest and easiest option is hardly ever the best. As tob said, I could also write one myself in a few weeks if I put my mind to it so really there isn't much of an excuse not to have something better. Hopefully after this latest crap with DT they also realized it's time to think about some other options.
Often DirectTrack doesn't report 5-10% of valid leads/sales/clicks, etc. (This is what I've been told)
Has that been proven? I'm running an offer on a direct track network that i also have the option to run on Neverblue. Maybe I'll switch over and test if conversions go up.
CXDigital has the best tracking I have come across hands down. No lag time and it's on point.

I know directtrack is the best option when you want to get going ASAP but some of these networks have been around for long enough to get serioius and rectify the problem in my eyes already... The fastest and easiest option is hardly ever the best. As tob said, I could also write one myself in a few weeks if I put my mind to it so really there isn't much of an excuse not to have something better. Hopefully after this latest crap with DT they also realized it's time to think about some other options.
Advaliant's stats are ugly as sin. But they're realtime and accurate(and not DT). So hell if I care.
We have built our own system, and have had great feedback. I do understand why other networks haven't. It takes a tremendous amount of time, money, and planning. Without your own system, you don't really need much of a tech department, but if you do it right it's worth it.
Has that been proven? I'm running an offer on a direct track network that i also have the option to run on Neverblue. Maybe I'll switch over and test if conversions go up.

Just as you do with ads, landing pages, etc... split test the network. I have seen conversions vary from network to network. You won't know which is really converting better unless you split test them as you would anything else.
The ultimate reason most networks use DT is the cost and ease of entering into the network game. I would say a good majority of the time, many networks like us, wind up leaving and building their own platform after seeing the many issues that occur.

As for Janaic's comment about the 5-10% loss... That is correct. It is not just a DT issue, but more so a pixel tracking issue. That is one of the reasons we built our system with tracking at the data base level.

motives platform is sick... visually... other than that it kinda sucks. I feel dt is pretty convenient since everyone and their moms use it
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