DirectTrack, LinkTrust, Hitpath, etc? Which do you like?

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New member
May 16, 2007
Austin, TX
I've got a question for the advertisers/networks and for affiliates:

Which affiliate tracking system do you like best and why? And what do you not like about the tools you don't like?


I hate DirectTrack. It goes down too often.

I like LinkTrust because you can place your own pixel.

HitPath is just in the middle somewhere. No fancy UI and you can't place your own pixel.
working for a netwrok that switched from DT to HP, I've heard lots of "i like the new system a lot better" ect and can also say they are waaay easier to work with and to get customizations from.
As an affiliate I can vouch completely against DT. It's just too unreliable. I got fucked more than once because of it.
a system is only as good as the people behind it.

There are networks I'll continue to work with no matter what they use and there are some that I will never work with no matter what they use.
LinkTrust - perfect tracking, easy to use.
DirectTrack - horrible tracking, huge discrepancies, too old school, people are moving away from
HitPath - Networks like it because they can scrub in the backend, advertisers love it too.
LinkTrust - perfect tracking, easy to use.
DirectTrack - horrible tracking, huge discrepancies, too old school, people are moving away from
HitPath - Networks like it because they can scrub in the backend, advertisers love it too.

Question for ya

Which affiliate network uses LinkTrust?
Is LinkTrust cookie based like DT?
Can you elaborate on the HitPath "scrubbing" a little?
i don't now about tracking script but what i see from aff network tracking is this:
neverblue tracking system, fast and easy to navigate, you can see offers ECP,
you can easily download the subid tracking file
and only automatic adwords, yahoo, msn and image pixel module from azoogle
i hate what you need to do in order to download your tracking subid file from azoogle and HitPath
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Platform doesn't really matter to me. It's the quality of the network that matters.

I run traffic through networks that use linktrust, hitpath, and their own custom platform.
There is something new coming out called's pretty hot. Seems like they are giving it away for free to start to get people to try it.
I like M.axbounty and N.everblue because they provide APIs that don't have any hourly time limit like hitpath and they don't go down all the time like directtrack. I saw A.dvaliant is soon going to have an API for their custom system too.
None of the above.

NONE of these have true redundancy. LinkTrust is shared and puts you on "dedicated" servers, HitPath does the same. DirectTrack is well.... who knows. All of these platforms are flawed starting at the DNS level.
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