Direct linking... dead?


New member
Aug 8, 2009
New York
Before I go and throw a couple of pretty bills at a direct linking ppc campaign, can anyone tell me if it still works for them?

I just wiped my ass with a few hundred dollar bills. If you're really so hard up that you can't commit a few bucks (only to not get any impressions from Google because you're direct linking and your QS is worthless), I will not flush and you can come over and dig them out of my toilet.

I haven't tried this, but what if you use a php redirect instead of directly linking the affiliate link using your own domain to the advertiser's landing page? Would this help the QS? I imagine it would violate some advertiser's rules, being that you're representing yourself as the advertiser by using your own domain.
I'm not planning on direct linking on adwords. However, when looking at e-mail submits/zip submits on yahoo is it worth building a landing page? Enough of the crap, I'm not looking for smart-ass answers.
I'm not planning on direct linking on adwords. However, when looking at e-mail submits/zip submits on yahoo is it worth building a landing page? Enough of the crap, I'm not looking for smart-ass answers.

lol, fuck off