Digital Point Sucks

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New member
Nov 16, 2007
Keep this short and sweet. Sat on this domain for months. Never did anything with it. Here ya go fuckers Digital Point Sucks - WHERE IT'S NOT LIKE DIGITAL POINT!. Yeah I expect shit talking but fuck it. Right now its fun and if it turns into something like WF and nothing like DP then fuck it again I will run with it. Any suggestions feedback other than "your a dumb arab" is welcome !


Omfg fantastic.

And digitalpoint sucks ? Indeed it does. Lots of high post count posters post that it's pretty easy to make money online. They are like "Yeah, $100 day isn't that hard". It's good when you are just beginning because it's inspiring and keeps you going but if you get to the point where you have obtained some knowledge then you should get out of there.
The forum isn't going to be used, so you might as well let us spam it. Not that the links would count for shit.
Digital Point is GREAT!
I get cheap labor (spelling?) there.

At least I got the balls to do something like this huh you fuckers? :) So fucking what If I fail. I failed many times in my life but thats what makes my dumb arab ass a winner.
You should turn it into a "best of digital point" site instead with the most outrageous sales letters from over there.
youd be better off using the URL to drive peeps from DP to some make money affiliate program.
At least I got the balls to do something like this huh you fuckers? :) So fucking what If I fail. I failed many times in my life but thats what makes my dumb arab ass a winner.

Do what? I though that standard way for an Arab to show he got ball is to tide some C4 on himself and blow sth up..

You failed, even as a dumb Arab Ass
You should turn it into a "best of digital point" site instead with the most outrageous sales letters from over there.

Please explain

Do what? I though that standard way for an Arab to show he got ball is to tide some C4 on himself and blow sth up..

You failed, even as a dumb Arab Ass

Thanks Punk. Make sure to have a blast shield if we ever meet. You never know if my shoes are loaded !
Don't listen to the haters man.
You put some money where you mouth is, and you've basically provided an avenue for people to bitch about something they love to hate, so there'll be a market for it.
Whether you can make money from it is an entirely separate issue.
If you can, fantastic, if not, chalk it up to doing this one for the love (of hate)
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