Different landing pages for each keyword?

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New member
Nov 27, 2006
When you guys are doing landing pages, do you straight from your landing page to the merchant payment page? To me, it seems redundant that you would write a landing page, and then link to the merchants landing page..or does it help sell the customer? A lot of merchant landing pages look like shit... so I guess it depends on the merchant?

Right now I'm direct linking, and it's not working for me. I've been running these campaigns for three weeks, I'm getting clicks but no sales. In my first week I had three sales, and now I'm breaking even. I need to develop some landing pages. My question is, do you develop different landing pages for each keyword? Is this even possible, if you have 2000 long tail keywords for each campaign?

How easy would it be to dynamically change the keywords on the page with php, depending on what the person typed into Google?

Dynamically changing things on the page is the best route. You can make this as simple or as advanced as you like, your quality score will go up, (if you're using adwords).
put this at the top of your page (that must be saved as .php)
  $key = $_GET['key'].", ";
  $key = "";
then put this inside <h1></h1> and wherever you want to place the keyword that the visitor used
<?php echo $key ?>
you have to make all your destination urls like
to add on to icecube's post, you can pass as many variables as you want, and then retrieve them using the GET method. this way you can control the dynamic content a page displays even more. for example, different keywords/ad groups/ads send different variables to your landing page which you can retrieve with the GET method. More on this here
thanks for the +rep
just to clarify, that script makes the string with a trailing comma and space, you should use
$key = $_GET['key'];
instead of
 $key = $_GET['key'].", ";
when putting it in the page content
you can use the one with the comma if you want to add the keyword to the keywords in the meta tags
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