Different emotional/mental state on Vitamins

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New member
Nov 27, 2008
This probably sounds crazy but I'm here to tell you that I think I'm a very different person when I take my daily multi-vitamins in the morning. I don't completely change 100% but the main difference is that I'm actual able to FOCUS and get work done. This is the positive side of things but the negatives are feeling like I'm "stupider" or "slower". The reason I say this is because fairly sized "big" or "advanced" words are not coming up in my vocabulary and even thoughts as they do without vitamins. Even right now as I'm typing this post I stopped and read over it and I think the whole thing sounds retarded. The format and the entire point is not clear and etc, I don't want to sit here and try to get it out in the right way. Wow look at all those quotation marks. Maybe I'm mental lol.

But really it's really weird maybe I have some form of ADD or ADHD or whatever, it seems like every mental condition that I read about on the Internet somehow relates to me in some way. A friend of mine told me to stop reading all that shit because the more you read it the more you thing you have something going on. I wonder if you're actually reading everything I'm typing here... Hmmmm..

I'm currently taking the One-A-Day Vitamins- This is a popular multi-vitamin and seems to get alot of good feedback. Or at least it seems. I think that just like anything else there's the "commercial best" i.e Budwiser King of Beers and then there is the real best: Insert favorite "underground brew here"

I did some research and I'm going to be buying NSI Synergy Multi-Vitamins
These seem to be pretty good and some of the user reviews are spot on if you ask me. This IS a multivitamin so it does have mixture of stuff that is supposedly good for you. I wonder if there is a way to find out exactly what your body needs depending on your needs that way you can take just what you need without anything you don't need. I'm sure there is a way.

So the point of this long ass post was to inform you guys that my whole mental/emotional state has changed because I started taking a multi-vitamin.. very weird but not really if you realize that you're putting an actual drug into your body. I would STRONGLY recommend to try something out and see what happens. Put yourself on a one week trial period and make sure you take it with food.

If you can't seem to get any work done this may be the solution? Seems like it to me but I know there has to be a catch somewhere because I told you I definitely feel different there are pros and cons I just hope it's worth it.

PS - Any conspiracy theories in regards to all this stuff?
VitaCost has an affiliate program on CJ.

Fuck off... and one a days suck.

No I'm authentic thanks I'm thinking that since I mentioned their affiliate program you guys think I work for them? I have respect for the company since they're from South Florida, they're on the Fortune 5000 and they seem to have great products. But let me stop praising them because I might give my secret away...

The post icon is newbie alert not READ THIS OR MUST SEE. This is pretty funny though I have to give it to you guys for being so detail oriented that's WickedFire for ya. Coming from a newb.
you know where the company is located
you know what # they are on a business rankings list
you know how "good" their products are

Yup. You work for the company
Fatbat, that video was ridiculous.... at first it make me horny, then it made me hungry, then....wtf??
He's got a somewhat decent posting history and join date. Maybe he just likes vitamins.
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