Differences Between Adwords, YSM, & Adcenter

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New member
Mar 12, 2007
I've only used Adwords for my PPC marketing up until now, and I'm planning on expanding to YSM and Adcenter pretty soon. I was just wondering what the major differences are between the three in your experiences?

There are less and less differences. Google rapes you with scripts (QS shit), Yahoo rapes you with humans (editorial review), MSN doesn't rape you but nobody uses msn anyways.
I used Yahoo once, and had no success with them. Actually, Keywords that worked well for me on Google did nothing for me on Yahoo...I actually had a lot of my kw's banned on yahoo while they were cool on Google...you would think it would be the other way around. I prefer Adwords much more so far.
MSN is so ungodly slow. Changing keywords, editing ads, and just opening your main account screen makes baby jesus cry. But MSN users like to click ads a lot.

I like to think that people using MSN search are old and hearken to the "oh nos, mine internet is broked" era, like my grandparents. They don't really know any better, so they just click. I've had users from MSN click to my arbitrage pages, and then click each link like they were visiting different sections of my website.

Harsh, but true.
Yeah, I've heard the same about Adcenter before. What browser were you using? I've noticed sometimes before that Microsoft has some of their other web applications set up to only work in IE.

I do like the idea that their visitors tend to click on paid ads a lot though. :)

MSN is so ungodly slow. Changing keywords, editing ads, and just opening your main account screen makes baby jesus cry. But MSN users like to click ads a lot.

I like to think that people using MSN search are old and hearken to the "oh nos, mine internet is broked" era, like my grandparents. They don't really know any better, so they just click. I've had users from MSN click to my arbitrage pages, and then click each link like they were visiting different sections of my website.

Harsh, but true.
Deleting campaigns in MSN was permanent last time I checked. In Adwords they are just labeled as "deleted". MSN lower-caps your display url whereas in Adwords and YSM you Can Capitalize TheWordsYouWant. :)

With MSN you can also target your traffic to a specific demographic by gender, age, etc. With Google you can really only geotarget your traffic or have it be site-specific.

Yahoo allows you more headline space in the ad. 40 chars versus 25 in MSN/Google. Of course, YSM and MSN still don't have an external campaign editor like Google does but you can import your stuff from Google fairly easy anyways. :)
Thanks I&W. That's the type of info I was looking for. Stuff like that would've drove me crazy going from Adwords to YSM or Adcenter without knowing it.
I have had some high conversions on MSN Adcenter. The interface is absolute crap though. It's extremely slow and the reporting lags for a good 12 hours to a day at a time.

The other thing is that you won't see nearly the same traffic you have on Google or Yahoo, but that's to be expected.

You may be able to find gold for your niche in there though. Try it out - plenty of $100 coupons out there so you can test the waters.
Deleting campaigns in MSN was permanent last time I checked. In Adwords they are just labeled as "deleted". MSN lower-caps your display url whereas in Adwords and YSM you Can Capitalize TheWordsYouWant. :)

With MSN you can also target your traffic to a specific demographic by gender, age, etc. With Google you can really only geotarget your traffic or have it be site-specific.

Yahoo allows you more headline space in the ad. 40 chars versus 25 in MSN/Google. Of course, YSM and MSN still don't have an external campaign editor like Google does but you can import your stuff from Google fairly easy anyways. :)
Have you heard of anyone with an offline editor for msn/yahoo or both? Actually have any of you had an editor built for the other 2 engines?
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