Difference between using Aff Links & own Domain

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New member
Mar 18, 2008
Hey guys,

This is mainly related to PPC. What do you find is the difference between using affiliate links in Ads vs redirecting to your own domain?

Apart from being able to control the landing page yourself, is there anything markedly different in terms of profit here?


I'm finding here that most guys are strictly against sending traffic via direct linking to the affiliate page although no one really explains WHY.

Is it really because as a marketer you think your landing page is more effective then theirs?

Using clickbank as an example, some of these sites look pretty refined in that area, with 2+ years of testing. I mean, they want to make money too so it only serves to reason that they are as vested in marketing as efficient as possible as you are.

Is there any other reasons?
I'm no PPC expert but you might want to read up on Quality Score. That is the main reason people use landing pages. You can't control what's on the merchant's site but you can control the content on your site to improve your QS.

Also, under the new Adwords rules (from yesterday I think) state the display and destination urls must be the same (so why still have 2 fields??), so you can't show clickwankebook.com and send visitors to clickwankebook.com?aff=1234. You'd probably be better using clickwankebook.lavishoffers.com and either redirecting or using a landing page.

Some programs, such as eBay, also specifically ban direct linking.
In my very limited experience landing pages work better. I can not explain why, but this is what I did:

I direct linked a zip submit for weeks and it made me $4-5 on some days but mostly barely broke even.

Than I made a landing page that closely resembled the offer page and I put a big ass button on there that said "Put your Stupid ZIP Code in the form on the next page Dumbass!".

Almost immediately it started making $50+ in profit.

Now this whole campaign is shot in the ass, but it was fun while it ran.

It was a thin landing page so I only used Yahoo.
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